UK Air Date: 20th September 1994
Writer: Anthony Ellis
Director: Michael Ailwood
Cat No: HAW2-541
Fisher decides to teach Shane and Jack a lesson. Tug finds a new friend when he decides to return to school.
First episode. Beautiful school-teacher who fell for Tug.
Extended Summary
Jack’s detention has ended and returns to school. Within a minute of being on school grounds, he picks on someone. This student is being fussed over by his mother and Jack makes remarks about them. Robbie throws his bike aside and is ready for a fight. Just before the fight starts, Fisher catches them. They are sent into a classroom and he gives out to them. Robbie is finished with and Fisher comments on how trouble seems to come from Jack.
Jack asks Sally how long has Shane and Angel been together. Sally tells him she does not know, perhaps 10 months, a year.
Luke and Tug return home and Irene congratulates him. She tells him she knew he would be let off. Tug has a long face on and she asks him what’s wrong. He tells her he got three months and she says she thought he’d be free as he is here. Luke tells her that he is out on bond until the appeal. She tells him she is sorry and that she would have taken down the decorations had she known. Tug tells her it’s alright.
Luke asks Tug what is he going to do. Misunderstanding him, Tug says that he’ll have to wait and see until the appeal. Luke points out that he may or may not get his three months appealed, but three months is not long anyway. Tug has decided to try to beat his dyslexia by returning to school. Luke tells him it’s great and mentions that there is a new teacher for learning difficulties in the school. Fisher meets the new teacher, Beth, and brings her over to Tug, who is with Luke. She asks him does he know what to expect and explains.
Tug tells Alf he is returning to school and asks about his shifts. Alf mentions that he may need more time for homework. Tug says that he needs the shifts for paying rent. Alf advises him to talk to Irene, but Tug does not want to grovel. Alf tells him he won’t be groveling, but asking.
Tug is to meet her later at lunch. Instead of going straight to school, he has a talk to Irene. She is proud of him and says that he needs every moment for study and does not want him to end up like Nathan did. Meanwhile, Beth and Luke are waiting for Tug. She looks at her watch and says that he is not going to turn up. Not long later is it before Tug turns up. Beth talks to him and Tug tells her that it is stupid about his dyslexia. She tells him it is not, and that it is his first thing to learn: he is not stupid. He tells her about his history: when he was about six years old, he remembers being so keen in classes at school that he always put his hand up. The teacher may occasionally ask him the answer, but he always got the wrong answers, with the result of him being laughed at. He says he does not want to be an idiot and does not want to be laughed at. She understands him and gives him some papers, and asks him to come tomorrow morning for his class.
Angel is looking for something in her locker. Roxy asks her has she lost something. Angel replies that she has not lost anything, but lent a book of Hamlet to Sarah: she needs it for a class later. Roxy tells her there is only one way to get it, and says that they may even start chatting.
Sally, Sarah and Jack are in the yard, and Sarah asks him who is Robbie. She tells him he should ignore him. Angel comes over and asks Sally to tell Sarah to return her copy of Hamlet and Sarah tells Sally that she left it at home. Sarah goes home and Jack asks what is up with them. Sally tells him of the feud over the story. He comments that Angel is cute and Sally tells him she is taken.
Fisher has an idea for Jack and asks Luke about it. Luke looks for Jack in the yard and tells him to go to 3C. Jack asks what is this about, but is told the sooner he goes, the sooner he’ll know. Jack is at the lockers and is angry. Angel asks him what’s the matter and he says that Fisher has a Year 12 student to look after him. The worst thing is that this student is her boyfriend – Shane…