UK Air Date: 22nd September 1994
Writer: Kit Oldfield
Director: Michael Ailwood
Cat No: HAW2-543
Fin agrees to help Haydn place one last bet. Jack believes he can win Angel’s affections.
Extended Summary
Haydn tries to convince Fin to let him place a bet and says that he could pay off all debts and they’d have a future in the clear. He tells her that there has been another cancellation of a boat job and says that he wants to place a bet to clear all the debts. She keeps refusing him, reminding him of the promise he made. They go to the Diner and are still arguing. Ailsa asks her is there anything wrong, and Fin says things are fine. Damian asks the same and gets the same answer.
Michael is in the Diner talking to Ailsa and mentions of another cancellation. Fin and Haydn are there also and hear him.
Jack asks Sarah could she help him with his maths. She advises him to talk to Damian as he is better with maths. Jack does not want to bother him as he is worried about the races. Sarah agrees to help him, and he asks her to meet in the geography class at 9:30.
It’s sports day at Summer Bay High. Fisher asks Jack why has he not changed out of his uniform. Jack replies that he is not in any races today and asks him could he have a day off. Fisher refuses and asks Luke to talk to him about the races. Luke tells Jack he should have checked the notice board as he is down for three races, and tells him to go and change. Luke comments on what a character Jack is and Fisher adds that he is trouble.
Sarah completes the long jump, followed by Angel. Angel knocks the pole down and loses. She tells Sarah that she wins fair and square and puts her hand out to congratulate her. Sarah walks away from her. Angel asks Shane did he see this, and he says he would not worry about it. Jack walks up to Angel and tells her that he had his fingers crossed for her. She thanks him and is asked to help him with his maths. She is sure he is up to something, but he lies that he is on the level.
In the classroom, Sarah tries to help Jack with his maths, but is unsure as to what his problems are. Jack checks the corridor; being suspicious, she asks him is he expecting anyone. He then asks her what is a sine and she tells him he should ask his teacher and gets up to leave. He tries to keep her in and tells her some jokes. She begs to him to let him out but he refuses. Angel comes in and discovers Sarah there. They realise they have been set up and ask him what is going on. He tells them they are not going out until they sort their problems out. He tries to encourage them to start smiling.
Luke asks Shane where Jack is. Shane does not know and says that he does not care. Luke suggests that he look for him and tells him that Fisher has his eye on him now. Shane sees that Fisher is watching him and starts searching for Jack. He has searched high and low, but sees no sign of him. He concludes that he may have left the school grounds and finds that he has no choice but to leave the school to find him, and asks Damian to cover for him. He searches the Bay but has no luck and returns to the school.
Fisher asks Damian where Shane and Jack have gone. Damian says they may be in the changing rooms and Fisher says that they weren’t there a few minutes ago. He looks for the girls and enters the room where they are, saying that Fisher is on the warpath. Fisher says Damian is right. Meanwhile, Shane is in the school, looking for Jack. He hears Jack’s voice and enters the room, saying, “Wait till Fisher catches you here!” and spots Fisher there. Fisher sees that the whole gang are there and reminds them what he said earlier that he meant what he said that no one is to leave the grounds or enter the building. He tells them to go to the races and asks Jack and Shane to stay. He is angry with Shane for not keeping an eye on Jack. Shane tells him that he was looking for him, but Fisher says he wouldn’t have to had he kept his eye on Jack. Jack is pleased to hear this and thanks him!
Fin is finished her shift and Ailsa calls her to give her her pay. She has a think and goes to find Haydn and hands him the money. He says this is great and that she won’t regret it. She tells him no more bets whether the horse wins or not, and he says he promises, and crosses his heart…