Marilyn and Fisher’s wedding day finally arrives. As Rebecca fusses over Fisher, Shannon volunteers to make the video and spends the day capturing the special moments on tape. But does the day go off without a hitch?


Jesse and Selina leave a surprise for the newlyweds. Rebecca can’t come to terms with having to live with Marilyn. Joey and Selina have a hard time adjusting to Marilyn not living at the beach house anymore.


Rebecca reveals the true reason for her sudden interest in Steven. Kelly and Curtis see just how crazy Mrs Mitchell really is. Stephanie is searching for something new and exciting in her life.


A journalist drags up the dirt in Ailsa’s past. Casey’s at a loss over how to help her mother. Liam is shattered when Stephanie tells him it’s over between them.


Curtis and Duncan have trouble coming to terms with Ailsa’s past. Casey discovers the connection between Rebecca and her father. Mrs Mitchell can no longer function as a normal member of society.


Fisher isn’t impressed with his daughter’s involvement with a married man. Shannon and Selina get some last minute tips for their exams. Casey reacts badly over her father’s affair.


Casey is determined to break up Rebecca and Stuart’s relationship. Rebecca and Fisher decide to put their failings behind them. How far is Chloe prepared to go with Brad?


Steven feels his life is a waste. After all her hard work, will Selina throw it in? Brad is becoming a controlling figure in both Casey and Chloe’s lives.


Irene and Shannon show Selina how important she is and how much she is needed. Stephanie and Liam agree to be friends. Jesse proves just what a good friend he can be and Sally wishes she met a guy like him.


How does Fisher prove he is innocent? Stephanie is devastated to learn that her new friend won’t be around for long. Sally is bothered by something and finds herself daydreaming.


Marilyn and Fisher’s marriage is on tenterhooks. Stephanie and Sebastian share their first kiss. Has Brad finally gotten through to Casey?


Fisher tells Steven exactly what he thinks of him. Stephanie has trouble coming to terms with reality. Travis accidentally scores a new job


The stress of the past few months begins to show on Steven. Travis learns about the joy of fame. Jesse’s Melbourne Cup winnings seem to have disappeared.


Sally has a nasty experience on the beach. Jesse unexpectedly leaves Summer Bay. Casey feels her father has betrayed her once again.


A late night adventure ends in tragedy. Casey realises that she’s going to have to make it on her own. Brad’s influence on Chloe begins to show.


Steven is convinced Sally is still alive. Abusive calls continue to frustrate Travis. Brad pressures Chloe to confront her fears.


With Sally still missing, Pippa begins to doubt her abilities as a parent. Abusive calls become too much for Travis. Steven forces his way through thick scrub to try and find Sally.


Sally’s attempt to escape from her captor fail. Jesse and Selina have a falling out over Rachel. Travis panics when the mysterious caller mentions Kelly’s name.


Sally gives up hope of survival. Jesse fears Rachel is going to be taken away from him. Curtis has had enough of being treated like a child.


Will Sally survive another night in the bush? Selina begins to rethink her relationship with Jesse. Curtis deliberately defies Alf.