UK Air Date: 9th July 2002
Cat No: HAW4-222
Flynn attacks Shelley’s counselling techniques. Will makes a huge sacrifice for his brother. Shelley catches Nick and Jade kissing. Hayley meets an older man.
First appearance. Nerdy Dungeons and Dragons freak who Jade tried to show interest in to get away from Nick.
Second appearance, last seen in #3092. Visited the Drop-In Centre with her boyfriend.
Carrie’s boyfriend. Was refused permission by Shelley to stay with Carrie at the Drop-In Centre.
Second appearance, last seen in #3006. Served Sally at the Bayside Diner.
Extended Summary
Shelley caught Jade and Nick kissing. Now she’s worried about Kirsty’s reaction if she finds out. Nick visited Jade after he found out she went on a date with another guy. He was really jealous and went to tell her he was breaking it off with Kirsty. Before you knew it they were getting carried away with their feelings. In Shelley’s words – is this problem really going to go away?
Sally is concerned Shauna’s attraction to Flynn is greater than she admits. Why else would she quit doing volunteer work at the DIC? Shauna says she’s being sensible. Sally isn’t so sure.
Shelley’s still coming to blows with Flynn about the way he handles things. Gypsy’s remaining loyal to Shelley, but there are some things she agrees with. She said a young girl who was in need of shelter came by with her boyfriend. Flynn told the two of them to stay, but Shelley put her foot down and said the girl could stay but the boy had to go, as he didn’t need help. The girl left in a rage and Flynn had a go at Shelley.
It turns out the whole Smith family are going to the UK. Hayley surprised Irene and bought her a ticket. Irene was really happy but worried about Nick. Will decided to go as well, so he offered to buy Nick’s ticket. Alf was so impressed by Will’s generosity he gave him an early ‘Christmas’ bonus, so they could all go.
Aidan (Shauna’s brother) arrived in the Bay and he’s made an impression on Hayley. She thinks Aidan’s everything Noah isn’t – reliable, stable and confident. They’re already going on a date, much to Shauna’s disbelief. Aidan says he likes Hayley because she’s mature for her age. He’s not even worried about his recent break-up. Lets hope this isn’t an omen for Shauna’s own relationship.
Erin Flannery