Kirsty is shattered when Seb rejects her advance. The fate of Summer Bay High is decided. Jude is full of nervous excitement at the prospect of being a father – to twins!

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Flynn is stunned when Sally turns down his proposal of moving in together. Dani begins to deal with her feelings towards Kane. Alex is humiliated by the way Kelli treats him after they spend the night together. Jude tells Charlotte that he feels a connection to her that will never be broken.

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Dani makes the toughest decision of her life. Hayley and Noah find their dream home. Kelli tells Alex she wants some time out from the relationship. Sally and Flynn re-affirm their love for each other.

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Dani’s decision to come face-to-face with Kane sends shockwaves through the Sutherland family. Kane refuses to return to Summer Bay for the mediation. Hayley tells Irene and Nick she is moving out.

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Flynn finally convinces Kane to agree to the mediation. Noah, Hayley and Josh move into their new share house. Fisher accuses Flynn of allowing his issues with his father to influence his professional judgement.

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Fisher and June share a romantic kiss. Kirsty and Seb continue to forge a strong friendship. Rhys and Shelley’s intimate evening is interrupted.

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Seb nearly kisses Kirsty – but he is still going out with Lara! Fisher and June decide to begin a relationship. Irene slowly begins to learn more about Paris.

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Dani comes face-to-face with Kane. Seb and Kirsty give in to temptation and kiss. Irene realises she and Paris share a common bond when he reveals he’s a widow.

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Lara is crushed when she learns Seb kissed Kirsty. Dani decides she wants to give the mediation another go. There is a growing attraction between Irene and Paris.

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Dani is triumphant in her second mediation session with Kane. Alex is shattered when he receives a letter from Kelli – breaking off their relationship for good. Steven, Frank, Celia and Lance are the first to return for the Centenary celebrations.

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Sophie, Blake, Carly and Martin join the list of visitors who arrive back in the Bay for the Centenary celebrations. Martin is willing to risk everything to set himself up financially.

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The school dance unites old and new favourites. Irene and Paris acknowledge they need to talk about their growing mutual attraction. Lara tells Seb their relationship is over.

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Irene makes a heartbreaking decision. Sophie and Blake reminisce about lost loves. The young ones take part in the 40 Hour Famine.

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Kirsty lashes out at her family. There’s a growing distance between Paris and Irene.

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Sally plans a surprise for Flynn’s thirtieth birthday. The old gang reminisce about their times in Summer Bay.

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Floss warns of coming danger. Fisher tries to help Sam find a path for the future.


Kirsty defies her parents with disastrous consequences. Floss has a disturbing premonition.

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Tragedy strikes, as a storm hits the cruise ship.


The aftermath of the storm. The SES starts trying to locate the missing people. Rhys is in shock – there’ s still no sign of Shelley and Kirsty. Irene and Paris are stranded together.

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Dani is worried about how Rhys is coping. Fisher leans on June, as he waits anxiously for news of Seb. Sophie and Blake grow closer, when they are lost in the bush together.

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