UK Air Date: 2nd May 2005
Cat No: HAW4-956
Will Kirsty fall for Kane’s lies? Kim makes a deal with the devil. Has Dalby beaten Henry? Alf’s news shocks Beth.
Informed Kane that the doctor could see him.
> New Opening Credits: Sally & Flynn holding camera; Hayley with Leah holding a frame; Robbie, Kim and Tasha hugging; Kirsty and Kane holding balloon; Dani & Scott splashing water at camera; Henry with Beth as Matilda snatches his basketball; Alf laughing as Colleen & Irene look on; Dan, Josie and Jesse posing.
Extended Summary
Kane tells Flynn that he has found a lump in his left testicle
Kane admits to Colleen that he thinks he has cancer. Colleen lends a sympathetic and reassuring ear.
Stafford gives Josie a list of instructions to follow if Tasha is to stand a chance at getting an inheritance.
Kirsty has received roses, apparently from Kane – she is delighted. Kane tells Irene that it wasn’t him who sent them… it seems someone has done him a favour
Beth demands to know if any of her kids vandalised the kiosk – they all deny it, but Henry is already panicking.
Robbie and Tasha paddle back to the beach in their kayaks, Tasha having enjoyed the weekend immensely. Robbie is less enthusiatic, seeing it as a waste of time – they never found Kim and Barry, and he prefers travelling by car whilst camping. He is shattered, and his arms feel “like they’re gonna drop off”. He has been bitten by insects and isn’t in the best frame of mind. Tasha talks him into admitting that he did kind of enjoy the weekend, and they are both glad to be going back to ‘normality’.
Henry is still stressing about the kiosk, and Matilda’s sarcastic attitude towards the whole thing isn’t helping. Beth sends them away to tidy their rooms, as she has a prospective buyer for the caravan park and needs the place to look spotless. Henry reminds her that they’re not going to be buying the house, and Beth just rolls her eyes in frustration. As Beth leaves the room, the kiosk issue boils up again, Henry trying to be optimistic – their Mum believes them, and if Alf is ‘ok’ then he assumes that everyone will get off his back about it. Robbie arrives back, ecstatic to be home, having had both the best and worst weekend of his life. His good mood is demolished as he is informed that Henry gave Dalby the key to the kiosk and Dalby trashed the place, and he is taken outside to receive the full story on the basis that he is “the smart one” and he will be able to come up with a solution.
In the back porch, Robbie has the whole story painted for him – Dalby was only stringing Henry along when he pretended to be a mate, they bitched about Rhys together and he threw chips over the kiosk as revenge,and part of an ‘initiation’ to be in Dalby’s gang. He then gave Dalby the key to the surf club in order to further upset Rhys, but Henry had no idea how far Dalby would go. The first he heard of the kiosk being trashed was from Rhys himself. Robbie’s immediate advice is that they come clean, but Henry fears Dalby too much – he confronted Dalby, who threatened him, reminding him that HE had the key to the Surf Club, not anyonme else. They realise that Dalby wouldn’t be put in prison for a first offence at that age anyway, so the problem wouldn’t go away by coming clean. Robbie’s advice is ignored as they make the decision to keep schtum. It seems that Dalby will get away with it, and everyone else will remain oblivious – if just for Beth’s sake.
“Robbie was naked?!” Kirsty is stunned as Tasha recites the tale of she and Robbie’s adventure to she and Kane. Kane doesn’t fancy the idea of seeing “that sort of wildlife”, and Tasha asks that they don’t mention the incident to Robbie – he is sensitive about these things. Kane and Kirsty are just glad that they had fun, asking what else they got up to. Tasha reminises about kayaking, camping and nights under the stars in a trip that Kirsty brands “so romantic”. Tasha asserts that nothing ‘happened’ in that sense whilst they were out, and Kane and Kirsty chuckle and deny that they were thinking anything of the sort. Tasha doesn’t care if they’re “weird”, but she reckons that it’s special. Kirsty heads to get ready for a study session with Sally and Tasha spots the flowers “from my gorgeous, gorgeous husband” Kirsty beams. Tasha reckons that Kane is the romantic one, and Kane can only muse “apparently”.
Irene is talking to Alf about the mystery flowers, but reckons that whoever sent them got it right – Kane’s back in the good books, big time. Tasha flaunts into the kitchen to thrown her arms around Irene, announcing her homecoming. Alf departs with a joke to Irene to tell Kane that it wasn’t him, and Tasha enquires as to what Alf is talking about. Irene explains the flower-mystery to Tasha, and Tasha is sure that she knows the culprit.
Josie rushes to answer the door to an ecstatic Tasha, who hugs her enthusiastically before branding her “the most wonderful human being” – as she always does nice things for the people that Tasha loves. Josie looks somewhat overwhelmed.
Later, Tasha is surprised by Josie’s denial of any knowledge of the flowers. She assumed that, even if Josie didn’t know Kane and Kirsty well, she would know how much they meant to Tasha and would want to help. Besides, Josie is the bringer of good ideas – the decision to name the bar Noah’s, and her gesture for the concert, for example. Josie was in the city, and swears that she knows nothing – which puts Tasha back to square one in trying to determine the culprit. Josie wonders who else knows about the problems Kirsty and Kane have been having… before drifting off into space thoughtfully. She then suggests that the person responsible wishes to remain anonymous, despite Tasha reckoning that it will drive her crazy unless she finds out. Josie craftily changes the subject, asking after Tasha’s camping trip. Tasha is happy to oblige, and starts her story again.
Kane has changed into a shirt and respectable trousers, telling Kirsty that he’s going to meet a prospective client. She wonders if he will buy her more presents, to which he can only cheekily enquire as to whether it’s her birthday. She pounces on him, pinning him to the bed with a kiss until he squeals that she’s creasing him and wriggles away in obvious discomfort. She notices that he is in pain, but he passes it off as he having pulled a muscle on the boat, moving in for another kiss to try and distract her. She demands that he go and see Flynn if it doesn’t get better.
Tasha thrills Josie with the knowledge that you can get water from *loads* of places in the bush – if they ever go camping together… Josie cuts her off to inform her that her own idea of camping is staying in a hotel with less than five stars. Tasha asks how Josie went with her “client” in the city, and Josie makes up a tale about the client being otherwise engaged, but that the trip was still worthwhile. Tasha is impressed at both she and Irene’s business skills, especially given Irene’s heart condition. She decides that she has to get back to Irene to let her know that the flower mystery is still unsolved, and promises to let Josie know if she finds out anything. As she leaves, Josie marches towards a camera, having realised that it was Ian’s stunt. She can’t believe that he’s started to play “Interactive television” and warns him that he will blow the whole thing for himself. She waits for a phone call that never comes, before reading the days job list from Ian to prove that she’s working.
Alf and Kim pull the pool table into position, with Alf telling him that the contractors will be in to remove the eyesore that is the kiosk the following week. Robbie arrives as Alf comments that it will stop anymore dumb kids coming in and making a mess. Robbie wonders if Alf is referring to Henry, asserting that he didn’t do it. Alf hopes that Robbie’s faith isn’t misguided, but Robbie is positive. As Alf leaves, a curious Kim questions Robbie about “the real story”.
Later, Robbie completes the tale, explaining that he has tried to get Henry to confess, but that he is too scared of Dalby. They’re trying to keep it from Beth as well, but the way things are going Dalby will get away with everything… and who knows what he will do next? Robbie asks for Kim’s help, and Kim tells him to leave it with him…
Beth thanks Henry for clearing up, before shooing him away when there is a knock on the door – presumably the prospective buyer. Beth is stunned to find Josie behind the door, and assumes that she has come for, or about, Robbie. Josie is actually there to see Beth herself, and Beth invites her in, offering her a coffee. She admits to being nervous about the buyer who is meant to be there soon, and has been worrying about her imperfect poker face. She admits that the park is a good enough investment, but it’s obvious that it would need a LOT of work doing to it… she just hopes the buyer doens’t look too closely. Josie is sure that they will, before introducing herself as the prospective buyer. Beth stands in shocked silence, eyes widened.
So much for her poker face, Beth explains – she has just shown her entire hand. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting from a prospective buyer. Josie isn’t surprised that the place will need money spent on it, and Beth is quick to assure her that it’s nothing major. Josie was looking at the place as an investment, and is prepared to keep it on as a caravan park – as Beth wishes. It’s part of the community, and home to Colleen and Josie recognises its importance. She loves the place, branding it “the land that time forgot” and Beth’s face falls in response – people have tried to change that, but they have always been stopped by the community. Josie agrees implicitly – and Tasha would hate her if it were to work any other way. Josie wonders if there is room to negotiate on the asking price, and Beth asserts that all she is after is a fair price. They take their coffees with them as they go for a look around.
Kim finds Dalby, and lays into him about the kiosk, and his treatment of Henry. Dalby protests innocence over the trashing of the kiosk – no one can prove it – and states that it was Henry. Kim reckons that Dalby is lucky it isn’t going to the police and ‘recommends’ that he stay away from Henry in future. Dalby is incredulous – what makes Kim think that he’d be seen with the likes of Henry, anyway? Kim’s fist jams into Dalby’s stomach and he keels over in pain as Kim advises him not to insult his friends in future.
Tasha is still mithering onto Robbie about the flowers, having now come to the conclusion that it WAS Josie, but she obviously wants to remain anonymous. Kim enters, welcoming the pair of them back – conveniently forgetting that he saw Robbie earlier. he explains that they never managed to find he and Barry because they returned home early as Barry sprained his ankle. Robbie describes Tasha as being Steve-Irwin like during their trip, managing a lame impression of the Aussie’s “Crooikey!”. Tasha is called into the kitchen by Irene before she gets a chance to launch into the flower-mystery again. The guys are left to talk about Dalby-related matters, with Kim extremely confident that all has been sorted on that front.
After the tour, Josie wants to buy the place – Beth is flabbergasted Beth, unable to believe it and repeatedly asks Josie if she’s sure. Josie recommends that she don’t go into real estate, and states that she will pay what Beth wants for it. It’s a done deal.
Dalby angrily plays pool… until he spots one of Alf’s ‘Reward’ posters about the kiosk trashing.
Beth breaks the news to the kids – the caravan park has been sold to Josie, and it’s pretty much all done – exception of the paperwork. They celebrate enthusiastically, until Alf’s arrival casts a shadow over the kids. He pulls Beth aside for a chat.
Alf apologises for being the bearer of bad news, but tells Beth that two witnesses have come forward to say that they saw Henry going into the Surf Club on the night of the vandalism, heard banging and crashing, and then saw Henry leave about ten minutes later. He apologises again, knowing that it’s the last thing that Beth needs, but the worse could be yet to come
Kane sits all alone in the hospital. A nurse calls him through, confirming that the doctor has got his test results…