Episode 3881

Australian Air Date: 24th January 2005
UK Air Date: 11th July 2005
Writer: Margaret Wilson
Director: David Gould
Cat No: HAW5-011

Josie struggles to hide her scandalous affair from Jesse. Tasha’s shocked by Robbie’s reckless behaviour. Kim loses control after being betrayed by his mate.

> The inside of Josie’s apartment is seen for the first time.

Extended Summary

After a night of reminiscing, flirting and drinking, Josie has succumbed to Marc’s charms and has had sex with him in the bar. When Jesse arrives unexpectedly looking for Josie, Marc manages to hide just in time to avoid discovery.

Robbie’s received the results from his first lot of blood tests, but he’ll have to be tested again over the coming weeks before he is in the clear for Hep C, Hep B and HIV. Tasha is expecting an apology from him over the car incident, but it’s not forthcoming. However, he does say that ‘fun’ Robbie is back and Tasha’s glad to hear it! However, she soon learns that his idea of ‘fun’ has changed dramatically – he now wants to dive off Jump Rock. She tries to talk him out of it, but he’s determined. When Robbie sees Kim he calls him a girl and teases him over moving out of the Hunter House. Eventually Kim flares and tells Robbie he’s a gutless wonder for not facing up to reality. The comment hits its mark and Robbie is cut.

When Robbie spots Kim’s surf board unattended he decides to have some more ‘fun’ and takes it for a surf. Tasha thinks Kim’ll kill him for taking it without asking, but Robbie refuses to listen. Unfortunately, Robbie’s no surfer and soon manages to get dumped and loses the surf board. Tasha’s frustrated beyond belief when Robbie fails to show any remorse for what he’s done. Kim’s outraged when he finds out. He can’t believe what his supposed ‘best-friend’ is doing! Beth’s also shocked by her son’s behaviour and she pleads with him to open up to her about what he’s going through. Robbie says he’s just having fun – what’s wrong with that? Beth is exasperated and grounds him. If he’s going to behave like a child, she’ll treat him like one.

Hayley comes through for Kim and gives him Noah’s surf board. She knows Noah would want it to be put to good use. (It’s a huge step for her emotionally and another sign that she is moving on with her life). Kim’s deeply touched by the gesture.

Josie arrives home to find Marc sitting on her couch chatting to Jesse. Her heart skips a beat – has he told Jesse about the affair? He hasn’t – he’s just come to meet Jesse for their rock climbing trip. Josie and Marc steal a private moment and he makes it clear that he has strong feeling for Josie – he doesn’t want last night to be a one-off. Josie however, is just incredibly confused about her feelings. She doesn’t know what to do.

Despite being grounded, Robbie attempts to sneak out of the house. He’s sprung by Beth and they argue about his disobedience. He ignores her protests and storms out. Robbie’s on a mission – he’s going to dive off Jump Rock. Tasha discovers him and tries to talk him out of jumping. But again he won’t listen – he says he’s had enough of safe living. He dives off the edge of the cliff and plunges into the ocean below. Tasha franticly waits for him to resurface – but he’s nowhere to be seen.