Episode 3883

Australian Air Date: 26th January 2005
UK Air Date: 13th July 2005
Writer: Kelly Lefever
Director: David Gould
Cat No: HAW5-013

The Hunters resort to drastic measures to deal with the out-of-control Robbie. A ghost from the past threatens Kane and his father. Tasha has some shocking news for Robbie. Sally and Flynn’s marriage is under pressure.

First appearance. Gus’ former criminal associate who turned up in the Bay looking for money owed to him following Gus’ arrest for theft years before.

Extended Summary

Sally is absorbed in her frustrations with Flynn. He’s working crazy hours and their relationship is practically non-existent at the moment. Luckily he’s not working tonight, so Sally plans to spoil him with a special dinner and a massage. However, Flynn throws a spanner in the works when he announces that he’s agreed to go to the Hunters’ tonight. Flynn says it’s important that he go. But Sally’s upset and thinks it’s time he started treating their relationship as important. He agrees to be home in time for a late dinner.

Kane is bemoaning his money troubles and both Irene and Colleen agree they’d help him if they could. Laura’s sick so Kirsty’s in the city visiting her. Kirsty was reluctant to go, but Kane talked her into it. This means that his celebration dinner has to be put off. Gus is really disappointed when he finds this out and so Kane suggests they have dinner tonight instead. But when Irene unexpectedly has to work that night, Kane is a little nervous about the prospect of dinner alone with his father.

Tasha and Kim decide not to participate in Robbie’s intervention in case they say something that destroys their friendship with Robbie forever. However, at the last minute they come through for him and join the Hunters in their tough-love session. Flynn explains that they have to be brutally honest. One-by-one they all confront Robbie about how his actions of late have hurt them. Initially Robbie is unresponsive, but eventually they wear him down. In a flood of emotion he explains that a friend at boarding school was HIV positive and people treated him like a leper. Robbie was terrified that he would receive the same treatment. Also he’s sick of being poor little Robbie; weird and sensitive and a gutless wonder. He thinks that’s how everyone sees him. He wanted to show everyone that he could get through this alone. But everything was just churning around inside him. He apologises to everyone and wishes he could take it all back.


The family and Kim are understanding and forgiving. Tasha says she wants to be there for him as a friend, but she feels she can’t be his girlfriend anymore. He was cruel to her, he scared her and he betrayed her. (Tasha has a history of running from those who betray her). Robbie is crushed.

The time has gotten away from Flynn and by the time he gets home Sally has already gone to bed. He sees all the trouble she has gone to for him and he feels terrible.

After an awkward start, Kane and Gus settle into an enjoyable dinner. Gus opens up about prison life – how he was bullied and made a lot of enemies on the inside. Gus is convinced if he ever went back in he’d be dead meat. The pair really bond over dinner and Kane finally admits to himself that Gus has changed for the better.


After leaving the Beach House, Gus is confronted by Greg for the $3,000 Gus owes him. Greg makes it clear that both Gus and Kane will be in danger if he doesn’t get his money soon. But Gus doesn’t have that kind of money. What will he do?