Episode 3905

Australian Air Date: 25th February 2005
UK Air Date: 12th August 2005
Writer: Jason Herbison
Director: Scott Hartford Davis
Cat No: HAW5-035

Hysteria grips the Bay as the question is asked ‘Who is the Summer Bay stalker?’ Tasha discovers the truth about Josie’s affair with Marc. Ric leads Matilda astray.

Second appearance, last seen in Episode #3899. Was dumped by Colleen after reluctantly informing her of his journalistic past and blabbing to the press over ‘the Stalker’ letter.

> ‘The Stalker’ is seen for the fourth time, posting further newspaper clippings on a wall. It cannot be Alf or Morag as they are in the US at the time.

Extended Summary

Josie’s revelation to Tasha that she slept with Marc has sent the young girl into a state of shock. She makes it clear Josie has to reveal all to Jesse. But Josie says it will destroy their relationship. She begs Tasha to keep it to herself. Tasha reluctantly agrees.

Matilda and Ric are sneaking around to keep their friendship a secret. They agree to meet up at the Surf Club that night, but Ric is held up at a dinner with Flynn and Sally. It was organised to bring the pseudo family closer together, but Ric’s not into it. He keeps looking at his watch. Flynn finally tells him he should leave, but calls him for his rudeness. Ric flies off the handle and then tells Colleen about the threatening letter found outside the Diner. Finally he makes it to the Surf Club where Matilda thought she’d been stood up. But Ric assures her she’s the only thing on his mind. The attraction between these two is growing…

Robbie asks Tasha about her meeting with Josie re. the tape. Tasha has to make up a story. Over at the Surf Club she slams Josie for putting her in a position where she had to lie to her boyfriend. She demands Josie come clean to Jesse. Jesse comes in and Josie is off the hook. He has asked Flynn to be his best man. Tasha is incredulous when Josie asks her to be her bridesmaid. There’s no way she can stand up there – knowing the truth. No amount of pleading by Josie will persuade her.

Robbie brags to Henry about the video competition he’s entering and Henry wants a piece of the action. He’ll make his own video. Robbie refuses to lend him his camera, but Henry is determined. He wants to win.

An article in the paper reveals the existence of the threatening letter. The culprit has been labelled ‘The Summer Bay Stalker’. Colleen is immediately under suspicion for the leak, but she claims she only told Arthur! Arthur turns out to be a journalist for the paper. Colleen feels used, but the major concern is the hysteria the article will cause around town. Peter decides to host a town meeting at the Surf Club to allay concern.

Meanwhile, Ric and Matilda narrowly avoid being discovered yet again. Ric wants to take Matilda to a local dance party with him, Wazza and Emma. They’ll need fake IDs. Matilda gives in to Ric’s charm – she’s totally melting for this guy.

Later that night, Tasha reluctantly turns up to the bridal party drinks. She assures Josie she’s only staying quiet to give her time to tell Jesse the truth. If she doesn’t do it before the wedding, she’ll lose a member of her family – there’s no way Tasha can have a relationship with her. Josie is left shattered.

Over in a nondescript house, gloved hand hold one of the fliers for the town meeting planned by Peter. Clearly trouble is coming.