UK Air Date: 27th September 2005
Writer: Alison Nisselle
Director: Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Cat No: HAW5-067
Peter is attacked by the stalker. Tasha decides to leave Summer Bay. Irene and Josie go head-to-head over Tasha.
Second appearance, last seen in Episode #3933. Was dumped by Robbie after realising he still loved Tasha.
Second appearance, last seen in Episode #3934. Informed Peter that the fingerprints on the bomb could not be identified.
> ‘The Stalker’s’ pseudonym used to book the storage shed, ‘Wal Harisse’ is revealed to be an anagram of ‘Sarah Lewis’.
> ‘The Stalker’ is seen for the fifteenth time, attacking Peter at night as he leaves the police station.
Extended Summary
Tasha is still reeling from Josie’s idea that they leave the Bay together. Josie lists all the benefits, but Tasha says she needs time to think about it. Kim says she’s crazy to do it if it’s because of Robbie, but Tasha says it’s not that – it’s because Josie is her family and she doesn’t want to lose her. But when Tasha catches Robbie kissing his ‘new girl’ Samantha, her true motivations are revealed.
She storms home and says there’s no reason to stay if Robbie’s already moved on. Kim is shocked to hear about the kiss, but cautions against making a rash decision. He thinks Robbie still loves her.
Peter and Clare are working together like a well-oiled machine. They get another threatening note from the Stalker. There’s a sense of torment for Peter. He’s starting to have dreams about Sarah Lewis. The case is really getting to him. Clare orders him to go home and sleep, but as he heads to his car, he’s attacked with a crowbar. Clare gives chase, but the Stalker gets away. The pair is left reeling.
Colleen’s in a flap about the Miss Groper pageant. Len Green’s pulled out as MC! Dan is the man to replace him. There are so many things to do that Leah and Dan try to help her in any way, but of course nothing is ever good enough for Colleen.
Kim talks to Robbie about why he’s taking Samantha out when he still loves Tasha! Robbie says Tasha dumped him and if she can throw the relationship away that easily, there must have been problems anyway. Robbie knows he still loves Tasha and decides to end things with Samantha, but when Tasha meets Robbie on the beach he says things with Samantha are really working out. He’s trying to make her jealous, but he doesn’t realise he’s stabbed himself in the foot, because Tasha goes to Josie and says she’s decided to leave the Bay.
She announces it publicly and everyone is shocked. Irene tries to talk her out of it, but Tasha’s set – she’s leaving tomorrow. Irene blames Josie for putting the idea in Tasha’s head, but Josie says Tasha had plenty of time, and this is what she wants. Irene says she’s not letting Tasha go without a fight.
Peter has a breakthrough with the name of the person who was renting the storage space: Wal Harisse. Turns out it’s an anagram of Sarah Lewis! Peter thinks Sarah must still be alive. Clare thinks he’s crazy, but Peter makes inquiries and finds out that the documentation on Sarah Lewis’ death is missing! That’s too odd to ignore. Just then Peter gets a foreboding email: the Stalker will be at the Miss Groper pageant…