Episode 3941

Australian Air Date: 18th April 2005
UK Air Date: 3rd October 2005
Writer: Dan Bennett
Director: Nicholas Bufalo
Cat No: HAW5-071

Hayley’s life is changed forever when she learns she’s pregnant. But is Scott or Kim the father of her child? Zoe declares her love for Kim, blissfully unaware that Hayley’s secret could blow their happiness out of the water.

Extended Summary

Hayley’s waiting for the results from her pregnancy test but Scott keeps getting in the way. Hayley has to put him off the scent by watching a movie with him. He picks up on the tension, but she says it’s nothing. He nearly walks into the bathroom and spoils everything, but luckily he doesn’t see the test. Finally Hayley is able to get in and see the results…it’s positive. She’s pregnant.


Things are back on track between Tasha and Robbie and they’re planning his 18th birthday party. Robbie’s looking forward to being a legal adult and it also means he can go for his P’s and buy a car with the money from the commercial. But it also means he needs someone to let him practice driving their car and Kim’s not having a bar of it. No-one touches the Chariot – especially Robbie. But eventually he succumbs to the pressure and Robbie drives his car. And he does a pretty good job – even Kim has to admit.Scott tells Kim he’s glad the two of them are still mates after he got together with Hayley on the back of her going out with Kim. He’s glad there’s no weirdness. Kim has to hide his reaction – things went further with Hayley and Kim than Scott knows.

Inspired by Robbie and Tasha’s closeness, Kim asks Zoe out and the two of them flirt and kiss passionately. Later on they walk on the beach and it’s obvious the two of them are looking at a longer term relationship. Zoe tells Kim she loves him which takes him back a bit, but she tells him not to respond – just kiss her. And that’s fine with him!

Hayley’s devastated by the result and sits in her room crying. Irene walks in on her and she opens up about it. Irene assures her that Scott will support her through the whole thing. Hayley replies that that’s the problem – she doesn’t know if the baby’s Scott’s! She wonders if she should just keep it a secret, but Irene doesn’t like that idea, she has to be honest and get a paternity test. Hayley’s worried about losing Scott.

Robbie wonders if Hayley wants to have a joint party with him like last year, but Scott nixes the idea. She doesn’t want anything big. Scott decides to organise a romantic surprise for Hayley (he thinks she needs cheering up) but he won’t reveal what it is.

Hayley worries that she’s not ready to be a mother yet. Irene says it’s instinctive to all mothers. Irene asks when Hayley’s going to tell Scott and Kim – they have a right to know. Hayley feels pressured and runs from the house. Later, Hayley apologises to Irene for the way she reacted and says she’s decided to tell Scott. But when she gets to his house she finds Kim is well ensconced with beer and pizza. The two boys are having a celebration drink because Kim and Zoe have decided to officially start seeing each other. Scott says it’s great that things are working out for everybody. Hayley stares, not having the heart to expose the truth, knowing that her secret will blow their happiness out of the water.