UK Air Date: 10th August 2006
Writer: Sam Meikle
Director: Scott Hartford Davis
Cat No: HAW5-294
Alf’s freedom is on the line in the wake of the escape. Robbie cracks under the pressure of the pregnancy.
Extended Summary
Alf is undergoing a full interrogation but struggles to explain he was not involved in the escape. Alf doesn’t want to dob in his mate Davey Gibson, but in doing so, he is only appearing more guilty. Afterwards, Alf heads out to the yard, feeling completely defeated. He tries to convince Davey to back up his story but much to Alf’s disgust, Davey refuses. His parole is almost up and he doesn’t want to risk being kept inside any longer. After all, if Alf didn’t stick his nose in, then there wouldn’t be any problem. Alf can’t believe what he’s hearing and quickly realises how hopeless his situation has become.
Morag receives a phone call from Peter. He delivers the news they have evidence to prove the Judge of Alf’s case was corrupt and being paid off by Josh West. Morag is utterly relieved. Given the small nature of Alf’s offence, it may very well be his ‘get out of jail free’ card…if only she knew! Morag arrives at the prison, filled with hope but it is short lived. The guards inform her Alf is being questioned for an escape attempt. Morag is utterly stunned! Morag rips into Alf – how could he be so stupid?? But common sense leads Morag to realise Alf is covering for someone.
Davey is startled when he receives news of a visitor. It’s Morag. Davey remains tight-lipped as Morag appeals for him to do the right thing by Alf. Later on, Ric is visiting Alf and becomes emotional that his grandad will spend longer in prison because he is taking someone else’s wrap. Davey watches on guiltily – what will he do? Alf is about to be led back to his cell when the warden approaches to deliver the good news… Davey has admitted his responsibility and cleared Alf of any involvement. Ric and Morag are beside themselves. Now that they have the evidence to prove the Judge’s corruption…Alf is a free man!!! Alf arrives home – exhausted. His mind drifts and clearly he’s still haunted by the place he’s left behind. His nightmare is far from over…
Robbie thumps away on the keyboard, desperate to catch up on the school assignments he is falling behind on. Tasha appears, looking pale, before darting off to be sick. Robbie follows – his work will have to wait. Irene returns home and relieves Robbie of ‘Tasha’ duty. He returns to his computer but is unable to concentrate. The situation is clearly taking its toll on poor Robbie! Colleen arrives and rabbits on about her adventures in Italy. Robbie is quick to inform Colleen Tasha isn’t well and doesn’t want visitors. Colleen questions why Robbie isn’t by her side? After all, he is the father and now has all the responsibilities! Her words are a kick in the guts and a firm reminder of the painful secret Robbie is keeping. Irene watches on concerned. Robbie is well and truly on the verge of snapping.
It’s the early hours of the morning and everyone is asleep, except for Robbie. He creeps to the computer and continues working desperately on his assignment. Irene emerges after hearing the noise and wonders what the hell he is doing up so early? Robbie is suddenly in a state of sheer panic – the computer has shutdown and Robbie has lost his whole assignment!
The stress begins to overflow, as Robbie pours his heart out in a fit of frustration. All Irene can do is listen on as Robbie stresses how he wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for Tasha! He told her over and over how bad the Believers were but she wouldn’t listen. Now their lives are completely ruined! Tasha appears at that moment in the door way – she’s heard everything! Robbie’s heart sinks – there’s no taking back what’s been said now!