UK Air Date: 22nd August 2006
Writer: Sam Meikle
Director: Geoffrey Nottage
Cat No: HAW5-302
Leah is gripped by guilt in the wake of Dan’s attempt on his life. A secret from the past tears Rachel’s world apart.
Extended Summary
The shocking news that Dan may have tried to take his own life begins to hit home for Leah and the others. They all deny they thought Dan could do such a thing. Peter continues to berate himself for not seeing the signs that Dan was not coping with his troubles. Leah remains quiet as she is overwhelmed by the guilt of knowing her announcement to Dan she wanted a divorce may have been the final straw for him. Back at home, the reality sinks in for Leah as she pulls the divorce papers from the drawer – did she motivate Dan to end his life?
Leah is by Dan’s side when Peter arrives. Peter moves off to get coffee when Sally arrives to lend her support. Sally reassures Leah the accident is not her fault, despite her request for a divorce. Peter returns to room in time to hear the end of their conversation and reacts in shock as Leah realises Peter is now aware of the truth. Peter is absolutely furious and rips into Leah for being so insensitive towards Dan, after all he’s been through! How could she do this? Leah is overwhelmed by the outburst and rushes out of the room in tears. Sally does her best to calm Peter, who later apologises to Leah. Their main focus now is staying strong for Dan.
They are filled with hope when Dr Green says Dan be taken off his respirator. Leah and Peter are relieved as Dan takes his first breath on his own…but suddenly the alarms start going off and Dan falls back into unconsciousness. Leah watches on in panic, as Dr Green delivers the shocking news that Dan may never wake up! The next 24 hours are grueling for Leah who is overcome with a million thoughts and goes into panic as to how she will support Dan. Alf, Sally and Peter are worried by Leah’s reaction but during their efforts to keep her calm, Alf notices Dan beginning to stir and the sudden excitement from all that Dan is waking up!
Kim and Rachel are cleaning up after their dinner with Robert. Rachel is still surprised by the change in her father but Kim is clearly not so convinced, following the strange phone call he overheard Robert having. The following morning, Rachel has reached the decision to see her mother. She is filled with nerves as she prepares for the visit. They arrive at the Care Home but Rachel’s nerves quickly disappear – it’s a happy reunion! Elaine Armstrong is quite taken with Kim but then soon forgets who he is. Kim understands why she is like this, Rachel is content, as is Kim, who finally realises the life Rachel has been living the past years…
Later, there’s a knock at the door and Rachel is surprised to see her father. However, the anxious look on his face indicates that he hasn’t arrived to deliver good news…
As they take a seat, Rachel listens on intently as her father informs her he is being accused of negligence during an operation some years ago. Apparently the day of the operation he was seen drinking and now he wants Rachel to cover for him. As Robert continues his story, the pieces of the puzzle start fitting into place and Rachel comes to the shocking realisation that on that same day Robert caused her mother’s accident!