UK Air Date: 30th August 2006
Writer: Alison Nisselle
Director: Mark Piper
Cat No: HAW5-308
Jack discovers that Peter has been concealing evidence relating to Josh’s murder. Peter’s devious duplicity mounts. As tensions erupt between Lucas and Matilda, he makes a drastic decision.
Extended Summary
Jack keeps his cards close to his chest about how he found out Peter’s hair was found at the crime scene. He casually mentions to Peter that someone at the lab told him. Peter covers saying he must have accidentally contaminated the scene when he arrived. Jack fills Martha in on the latest – she thinks Peter’s explanation makes sense, but then why did Peter lie about the test results not being back? Jack thinks maybe Peter made Bob disappear, which means he might also be the one who killed Josh. He was missing at the time of the murder, and was the one at the scene after Bob’s disappearance. Martha can’t understand why Peter would want to kill Josh – Jack doesn’t either but he’s going to get to the bottom of it!
Lucas and Matilda are finding their break up difficult – tension in the Hunter house. The two try not to get in each others way and Beth and Tony watch on, worried about how things will end up. Tony thinks it a battle of wills – they’re each waiting for the other to back down. Beth tries to comfort her, but Matilda is adamant that she is okay. After a surf, Lucas heads to the Diner and bumps into Belle. Cassie shows up, she asks Lucas about Mattie and he opens up about how hard it has all been. He misses her and doesn’t know what to do. Belle cracks a joke to lighten the mood, they are all laughing together as Mattie enters and sees the scene before her, she runs out. Lucas doesn’t follow her, Cassie can’t believe it, so she rushes to her friend’s side. She tries to tell her that Lucas misses her – Cassie reassures her that Lucas hates that they’ve broken up – she’s happy to hear it, she hates it too. Cassie convinces her to do something about it, leaving Mattie with food for thought…
Mattie has bought groceries and hired DVDs – Beth and Tony are curious – she asks them a huge favour – will they let her and Lucas have the house for a while to try and sort things out? Meanwhile at the Diner, Lucas bemoans Mattie’s behaviour to Belle, who says if he didn’t care for her he wouldn’t be going on about it! Cassie heads to the Hunter house to help Mattie cook lasagna and set the romantic table to help Mattie win Lucas back. Beth and Tony wish her luck as they head out – Tony lets Mattie know that Lucas said he’d be home by 7pm. Matilda is looking gorgeous in her dress, make-up and hair up, waiting patiently for Lucas’ arrival. She becomes concerned when it’s after seven and he’s nowhere to be seen. She sends a text ‘where are you?’. Lucas receives the text and shakes his head, complaining to Belle that this is how Matilda tries to control his life. Cassie enters the Diner, stunned to see Lucas still there. He says he isn’t ready to go home yet and what’s the big deal? Cassie tells him about the dinner Mattie prepared to show him how sorry she is. Lucas’ face falls…he races home. Lucas feels terrible when he sees the elaborate dinner. He explains that he wanted to give her space hence not coming home. She asks where he was, he reluctantly reveals he was at the Diner having dinner with Belle. Matilda hits the roof! The fight escalates to the point where Matilda says Ric better watch out because his girlfriend is being chased by Lucas! He’s had enough and moves off leaving Matilda feeling awful. Lucas later emerges from his room, bag packed beside him. Matilda has just finished cleaning up the dinner that went so wrong. Lucas coldly informs her that he’s decided to move back in with Jack next door. Matilda wants him to talk this through – Lucas is tired of being told what to do and heads off.
Martha opens up to Tony and Beth about how hard she is finding being the partner of a cop. She worries about him and what could happen to him. Tony understands completely. He gives his advice, she takes it all in but it’s not that easy. She doesn’t let on what is happening at the moment with Jack. Meanwhile Jack approaches the shed where he was attacked. He forces his way inside. He combs the shed for evidence he spots a page of the autopsy report on ‘Eve Jacobsen’. He heads to Martha’s and shows her what he found. Martha recognizes the name as Zoe’s real name. What can this all have to do with Zoe?
At the station Peter is on the phone to his secret liaison. He reports that it’s getting harder to keep the secret and is worried about the community finding out as it will destroy their plan together. Is Peter in cahoots with Zoe? Did he kill Josh?