Episode 4179

Australian Air Date: 4th May 2006
UK Air Date: 31st August 2006
Writer: Kelly Lefever
Director: Mark Piper
Cat No: HAW5-309

Dan’s return home does not go according to plan when his brain injury leads to a violent outburst. Robbie’s torment over Tasha’s pregnancy continues. Lucas’s pent-up aggression at Matilda soon becomes directed at the whole family.

Extended Summary

Sally and Colleen help Leah prepare for Dan’s arrival home from hospital. Leah is anxious, she wants everything to be ready for him she makes it clear that she is looking after Dan because she cares, not to get back together with him, besides, he hasn’t really got anyone else to take care of him. Sally is unconvinced, she thinks it is guilt driving Leah to do all of this for Dan. In the hospital, Rachel checks on Dan. He’s looking forward to staying at Leah’s – it will be just like old times – Rachel isn’t sure what to make of this comment… Leah and Sally arrive and Rachel reports that he needs to take it easy – there is a childish excitement about him. His frontal lobe is still swollen, and Leah needs to understand that it’s impossible to predict temporary changes that might occur with this head injury – personality and physical disabilities. Leah is optimistic and Dan’s face lights up when he sees them. He hugs Leah, which throws her a bit as they all head off. Sally helps them settle in the house and moves off. Dan is pleased to see a wedding photo of he and Leah.

Next morning, Dan decides to make a massive stack of ‘dancakes’ – he’s made enough to feed an army! As he moves the plate falls and smashes on the floor – pancakes everywhere! He is silent for a moment then loses it. Leah is unsettled by his extreme over-reaction. Colleen arrives at Leah’s (she’s staying while Leah picks up VJ) and she’s brought food from the Diner. Dan insists he doesn’t need a babysitter and isn’t impressed when Leah heads out leaving Dan with Colleen. He asks Colleen outright if she’s been sent to babysit him – she ums and ahs and Dan cracks it – he doesn’t need looking after! Hyde drops by to see how Dan is getting on – he gets defensive and edgy and heads out – he’s not dealing with this at all. Dan gets increasingly worked up and yells at Colleen and Hyde, shoving them out the door and telling them to mind their own business. They leave, he screams in rage and trashes the house – Dan has lost it!

Rachel is exhausted, having worked more shifts than usual. Nurse Julie shows her the daily paper – there is an article about her dad, Dr. Armstrong – and how he’s gone into hiding to avoid a malpractice suit. This is the last thing she needs. Kim comforts her and suggests they go for a picnic with Rachel’s mum tomorrow. She isn’t so sure, but Kim convinces her that it’s a great idea! What a great boyfriend!

Meanwhile, Robbie and Tasha head in for their first ultrasound. Despite Tasha’s excitement, Robbie seems anxious and quiet. The sonographer talks them through the ultrasound, pointing out the small jelly bean that is the baby. They then hear the heart beat and Tasha gets very excited. Rob tries his hardest to feel the same way, but he just feels uneasy. Later at the Diner, Kim sees Robbie and asks how the ultrasound went. He can tell Robbie isn’t too enthused and calls him on it. They go for a walk on the beach and Kim reassures Robbie that he should tell Tasha how he feels. Kim invites the couple to join them for the picnic with Rachel and her Mum the next day. He also tells Robbie that Rachel’s Mum has amnesia, so it might be an interesting day out! Rachel is pleased Kim has invited Tasha and Robbie along and that they are okay with her mum’s condition. Kim gives her a big hug of reassurance. This is love.

Beth sees Matilda’s tears and knows the night hasn’t gone well for her. Tony asks where Lucas is and Mattie lets them know he’s moved back next door. Tony is livid! Kim lets the angry Tony in and he goes off at Lucas. Lucas says he needed time out, but Tony won’t hear a bar of it – he wants him home, now! Lucas isn’t impressed. Tony demands they all sit down and talk it out, but Lucas storms off to his room. Beth emerges from Matilda’s room – she’s cried herself to sleep! Both Beth and Tony have never seen Lucas like this.

The next morning, Lucas heads off for a surf without acknowledging Matilda’s presence. He wants his space, but leaves her feeling devastated. She decides to write him a note asking if they can have a talk, and leaves it under his door. Tony assures her that Lucas will come around and that he needs to do things at his own speed with no pressure – she think of the letter she has left him and panics. She races to his room and grabs the letter, bumping into him on the way out. He’s not happy to see her in his room. He hits the roof and tells her he wants to be left alone! She moves out and lets him know that is exactly what he’ll get.