UK Air Date: 1st September 2006
Writer: Sandy Webster
Director: Mark Piper
Cat No: HAW5-310
As his unpredictable behaviour continues, Dan shares an illicit kiss with Sally. A fun day out leads to disaster for Kim and Rachel – but a surprising discovery is just around the corner.
Extended Summary
Dan sits in the corner, staring at the mess he has made and feeling terrible. He can’t understand why he lashed out like that. At the Diner, Leah tells Alf that she’s finding things tougher than she thought with Dan, it’s a lot to take on, Alf reminds her. A distressed Colleen enters after being kicked out of the house by Dan, she tells Leah all about it! Leah arrives home to find Dan cleaning up the mess he made. Dan smiles and says he bumped into the table. Leah asks him if he attacked Colleen and Barry – they were most distressed. Dan plays with VJ, telling him he’s back home for good – he is not wanting to discuss it the earlier outburst. That afternoon, Leah is folding washing, when Dan suggestively pulls Leah close to him. Leah is shocked! She changes the subject, in shock, and moves off. Dan continues to muck up with Leah by trying to seduce her – he’s in a very playful mood, but it isn’t Dan at all – what’s happening to him? As Dan makes a move, Sally walks in and sees what is happening. Leah shoots her a look as the stunned Sally apologises for interrupting. Leah fills Sal in on the weird moment and Sal suggests she take Dan off her hands for a while, to give her a well deserved break. Dan and Sally head out, leaving an exhausted Leah!
Rachel, Kim, Robbie, Tasha and Rach’s Mum, Elaine, arrive at the picnic spot in the bush. Elaine is excited to be in such a beautiful spot, she wanders around taking it all in, while Rachel keeps a close eye on her every step. They eat lunch as Tasha and Robbie engage Elaine in conversation about her artwork. Kim can sense Rachel is finding it hard to relax with her Mum around, but points out that everything is fine. Elaine begins to wander off again, Rachel guides her back once more. Tasha tells her about the baby and Elaine becomes very enthused, Rachel starts to relax a little and Kim grins, glad to see her smiling. As they are eating dessert, Tasha’s nose begins to bleed. Rachel tends to her immediately and is so distracted that she doesn’t notice Elaine wandering off into the bush. Everyone checks the area, but she is nowhere to be seen! They split up, Rachel and Kim in one direction, Robbie on his own, and Tasha at the picnic spot incase Elaine returns. Eventually all return to the picnic spot without Elaine – Rachel is really panicking now. Kim decides to keep looking before calling the police. After more calling and searching, Rachel is relieved to see her Mum sitting on the verandah of an old house with an elderly woman, chatting. Elaine introduces Doris to Rachel and is excited to see her daughter because in her mind it has been four years since she last saw her, due to her amnesia. Rachel notices how unwell Doris looks and as she begins chatting with her, a young guy, Charlie, appears. He is very suspicious of the strangers who are here and asks that they leave, ushering his Gran into the house. Robbie opens up to Tasha and tells her that he is so happy for her being pregnant, but can’t manage to feel bonded to the baby. Tasha is very understanding and hopes that one day he will think of the baby as his own, despite the circumstances. Robbie smiles – he really does have an amazing woman in his life.
Kim and Rachel drop Elaine back at the care home after a whirlwind day, and Rachel decides that she has to pay Doris a visit for a medical check up, she didn’t look well at all. Charlie is hesitant about Rachel checking his Grandma but eventually comes round. Rachel is appalled at Doris’ state of health. High temperature, bed sores – she needs hospital treatment. Charlie says his Gran hates hospitals, ever since granddad never came out of one, she doesn’t like them. Rachel explains his Gran is in a lot of pain and the only way to make the pain go away is to get her to hospital as soon as possible. Charlie comes around. After the examination, Rachel lets Charlie know that his Gran will need to stay in hospital a few days until her temperature drops. Charlie doesn’t want to be alone at home, so Kim invites him to have dinner with them. Charlie is cautious, but agrees to dinner.
Sally and Dan are sitting at the beach side. Dan apologises for the space he’s in at the moment. He’s tired of people looking after him and telling him what is best. Sally understands – she likens it to the period when Flynn first died. She had everyone offering their kind support, but all she did was push them away. As Sally opens up to Dan we see his face soften. He stares into her eyes and suddenly, out of nowhere, in a moment of complete confusion, he kisses Sally!