Episode 4182

Australian Air Date: 9th May 2006
UK Air Date: 5th September 2006
Writer: Sam Meikle
Director: Scott Hartford Davis
Cat No: HAW5-312

In the wake of Dan’s violent attack, Rachel and Kim race the clock in a desperate bid to save Charlie. Ric’s attempt to protect Belle from Dom’s evil threat places him in grave danger.

Extended Summary

The race is on to save Charlie’s life. His condition is deteriorating and Rachel knows she must act fast. Kim fetches the medical bag as Rachel prepares to treat Charlie’s punctured lung. Meanwhile, Dan is racing through the bush, thoroughly rattled by his confrontation with the others. Not far away is Alf, who spots Dan darting past. Alf calls out to Dan and does his best to calm his disturbed friend. Back at home, Leah is clearly drained with worry and hasn’t slept a wink. The phone rings – Dan has been found!

The ambos barge through the hospital doors with Charlie on the stretcher. Rachel breathes a sigh of relief, she came so close to losing Charlie and the adrenaline rush is starting to wear her down. Leah is not far behind and races to Dan’s room. Leah’s heart breaks when she sees Dan’s condition and state of mind. Dan is tortured by his confusion and as he slowly comes to the realisation that Ryan was merely a figment of his imagination, he’s losing his mind! Leah wraps her arms around him, offering her support.

Dan begins to calm down but as Leah reassures him how much he means to her, Dan suddenly starts convulsing. Leah yells out for help as she watches on, unable to help Dan as he has a violent seizure. Nurse Julie and Dr Young race to Dan’s side, as they try to stabalise his condition. Gradually, Dan recovers and Leah and Dan are relieved when they are given the good news that Dan’s brain swelling is subsiding and with the correct medication there should be no more seizures. The recent chain of emotional events has led them both to reconfirm their feelings for one another. They want to give their relationship another go – happily reunited at last!

Nurse Julie is tending to Charlie who is also recovering well. He is still on a high from the praises he has received from Kim and Rachel for risking his own life to save Dan. Charlie proceeds to tell Nurse Julie that they are his ‘best friends’ and have known them both for years…uh-oh…is Charlie becoming obsessed with his new friends?

Ric is checking his acid burns and is relieved they are finally healing. Belle is fired up and determined to put an end to Dom’s dangerous pranks. Ric is adamant she can’t go near him and hesitantly admits that Dom has also made threats against Belle. Belle is stunned! Ric checks his watch – he has a staff meeting. Belle is angry and has every reason to go and blast Dom but Ric makes her promise this time she will keep her mouth shut or she will be in danger too. The staff meeting is coming to an end and Ric makes the tentative decision to mention his problems to Gazza. Hypothetically, he asks what would happen if he’s being bullied. Gazza starts to question him but Ric back-pedals, not wanting to cause any more trouble.

Ric arrives at work and is surprised to see Dom there so early – he wasn’t meant to start till later. Dom jumps in to an apology and says the pranks will end now. Ric is surprised and a little put off by Dom’s sudden change of heart but accepts his apology and pleased to put it all behind them. Ric is about to work on a car, but as he reaches into the tool box for a spanner, he is jolted back with an electric shock. He is in disbelief – he only narrowly escaped serious injury. Ric’s expression darkens as he looks over to a frayed power cord resting in the tool box. This certainly was no accident!!