UK Air Date: 11th September 2006
Writer: John Hanlon
Director: Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Cat No: HAW5-316
Irene and Barry’s loved ones celebrate their rekindled romance. As Peter protests his innocence over Josh’s death, Morag cracks the case and prepares to confront the real killer.
Extended Summary
Martha’s still reeling from the revelation that Peter must have killed Josh to protect the secret that Zoe is still alive! She insists that he go to McGrath about it – this has gone way too far! Jack realizes she’s right and says he’ll go to McGrath. The next morning, Jack heads in to speak with McGrath. Jack tells him the lot and McGrath struggles with it – how could Peter do such a thing? He’s angry with Jack for with-holding this from him. They head off to Peter’s apartment – there’s no-one there. A cleaner informs them that he saw Peter throw bags into his car and head off late last night and looked like he was in a hurry. McGrath berates Jack – if only he’d told him about all of this sooner! It’s all hands on deck at the Station as they try to locate Peter – finally they do – the highway patrol caught him heading back into town. They are bringing him back into town now. Jack steels himself – it’s going to be tough. Peter is hauled into the Station and he’s not happy about it! McGrath orders him into the interview room. Peter denies any involvement in Josh’s murder. He tells them that a council worker stumbled upon his lair hideout in the bush and Josh paid the council employee off so he could discuss the Zoe matter with Peter. Josh threatened to tell the residents about Zoe being alive. Peter insists this is not because he is working with Zoe, McGrath isn’t convinced. Peter points out that they have no evidence that he killed Josh and they have no right to keep him here! McGrath tells him to go. Peter hopes Jack’s happy with what he’s done – now everyone knows about Zoe! Later that night, Jack fills Martha in on his full on day and not being able to arrest Peter. Martha is freaking – so Peter and Zoe are both out there?
At the Beach House, Tasha is tired and ready for bed – but Robbie wants to stay up and hear all about Irene and Hyde’s romantic evening! As he says this, the couple appear on the back porch. Irene and Hyde are happy with how things are, as good friends. Rob is disappointed to hear this. Tasha drags him to bed. Hyde watches Irene for a moment – he often wonders himself why they broke up in the first place – they do spend a lot of time together. The next morning Robbie and Tasha go into the lounge room and see clothes strewn around the room and they swap amused looks as Irene and Hyde descend the stairs, acting as though nothing has happened. Later at the Holden House, Robbie and Tasha share a laugh about it with Kim and Rachel – Irene wants them all over for a ‘celebratory lunch’ – they head over. Kim and Hyde share a moment – he’s glad to see his Dad happy and it’s about time he got back with Irene! Hyde and Irene share a loving gaze as a toast is made to the happy couple!
Odd moments with Charlie continue when Kim heads into the Surf Club and is surprised to see Charlie waiting for him. Charlie beams – he’s so happy to see Kim – the cleaner let him in! He’s here to take up Kim’s offer of free personal training sessions. Kim’s a bit put off by Charlie’s eagerness, it’s kind of weird. Kim sets up then shows him how to use some equipment, but Charlie is distracted and asks Kim a series of questions about his relationship with Rachel. Kim tries to get his mind back to the task at hand, but Charlie doesn’t take the hint and asks if Kim and Rachel would like to go to a movie with him some time. Kim doesn’t respond, but has to get Charlie to take it easy on the equipment when he pushes himself way too hard. Kim suggests that Charlie stop for the day, so he doesn’t injure himself. Charlie insists on another session tomorrow. Kim says okay to this as Charlie moves off – what a weird guy! Kim tells Rachel about it and how annoying he finds Charlie – but Rachel is more sympathetic, he’s socially inept and over doing it. Kim’s not convinced.
Morag returns to the Bay, much to Alf’s surprise – she’s returned to tie up some loose ends, clear out her office and retrieve her files from the police that Josh stole before he was murdered. Then she’s heading back to the city, indefinitely. Alf’s concerned, her family is here – but she’s made up her mind. Morag collects her files from the Station and as she goes through them is startled when something grabs her attention, there’s a file missing she makes a call and tells the person to come to her place, alone and that she knows they were involved in the killing of Josh West. She downs a glass of scotch, steeling herself, before a knock on the door. She opens it and invites the person into her home… Who is it?