UK Air Date: 12th September 2006
Writer: Leigh McGrath
Director: Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Cat No: HAW5-317
Shock waves ripple through the Bay in the wake of the explosive climax to the ‘Who killed Josh West?’ mystery.
Extended Summary
Morag is face to face with who she believes to be Josh West’s killer. She asks them to confirm this and it is revealed that she is speaking to Barry Hyde! After a moment he confesses to the murder! He explains what happened the night he killed Josh… Hyde was going to the council chambers to confront Josh about the destruction of the school building for Project 56 – he did so and Josh told him that there was no chance of Hyde getting in his way – even the education department was backing his plan. Hyde wanted to know how he could be so sure. Josh held up the file containing Hyde’s background, the one he stole from Morag – Josh would have never picked Hyde for a wife killer! He told Hyde to keep his trap shut or he’d take him down – Kim too – because he knows what his father did, that makes him an accessory! Hyde implored Josh to leave Kim out of this, but he wouldn’t. Hyde’s fury got the better of him and he jumped for the file from Josh – a struggle broke out and Josh pulled out Martha’s gun from his top drawer. Hyde lunged for the gun to defend himself, there was a struggle, then BANG! Josh was killed instantly.
Stunned, Morag takes this all in, realising Josh’s death was an accident and the last thing Hyde was expecting and he couldn’t go to the police because then the truth would come out about him murdering his wife and then Kim would be charged as an accessory. Hyde continues: after he accidentally shot Josh, he ripped the pages about his past from Morag’s file, found the Project 56 documents and cleaned them up, removing any finger prints. As he was about to leave the office, he heard someone outside – Hyde rushed out as Robbie entered the office and saw Joshs’ body lying there. Morag realises Hyde was the one who planted Project 56 papers on her windshield, at least something good came of this! Hyde expresses how the last 8 weeks have been a living hell for him. He’s watched everyone he knows and loves get put through the wringer by the police – but he had to protect Kim. That’s why he did all of this. Morag says nothing as Peter and Jack step out from the kitchen – Hyde sees them and realises his game is up. He isn’t angry at Morag, but accepting of it all. Hyde is charged with the murder of Josh West. He is told he will be remanded in to custody until a bailing hearing. Peter reads Hyde his rights, his mug shots are taken, finger prints and then he is led to his cell.Irene has been really looking forward to her evening with Hyde – she wonders where he is, he’s been gone for ages! Tasha and Robbie notice a glow to Irene – she couldn’t be happier now that she’s back with Hyde! Just as Morag knocks on the door – the grim expression on her face tells Irene that it isn’t good news. Morag explains what’s happened to a devastated Irene.
Back at the Station, Kim races in, looking for his Dad. Jack explains what has happened, Kim wants to see him, please! Peter lets Kim in, does Irene want to see Hyde? Irene stays put as Kim heads in. Hyde tells Kim that he did this to protect him from Josh. Hyde wishes it hadn’t turned out like this, but he deserves to be punished and he’s sorry he won’t be there as a father for Kim. He tells his Dad that he doesn’t hate him and that Irene also knows. Hyde would like to see her very much… Irene remains in the waiting area with Morag, lost in a reverie. Kim tells her that Hyde really wants to see her to help her understand why he did it. Irene won’t have it – what’s to understand? She doesn’t give a damn what Hyde needs right now! Hyde can hear her words and is completely crushed. Meanwhile, Peter gives Kim a serve about hiding the truth of his mum’s murder – he’s lucky that Morag struck a deal with the police to be part of the sting as long as she and Kim’s charges wouldn’t go through. Kim thanks Morag for saving him. Hyde is handcuffed and led out – his attention firmly focused on Irene – but she can’t meet his eye.
At the Beach House, Rachel, Robbie and Tasha are there for support – Irene doesn’t respond. Rachel takes Kim out for some fresh air, holding him close. Tasha tries to talk to Irene about it all, but Irene makes it painfully clear that she doesn’t want to talk and there’s nothing to talk about! Rob and Tash tell her it’s okay to feel sad about Hyde – but sad is the last thing that she feels – she’s angry! How could he make her fall for him again when he knew what he had done?! A furious Irene storms off, leaving Robbie and Tasha very concerned for her wellbeing…
A car pulls up along side a road by the beach and a pair of legs step out. We reveal the mystery person – it’s Zoe – as she stands staring at the “Welcome to Summer Bay” sign. She has an evil smile across her face – what has she got in store for the Bay?