Episode 4188

Australian Air Date: 17th May 2006
UK Air Date: 13th September 2006
Writer: Susan Hore
Director: Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Cat No: HAW5-318

Ric’s career is in jeopardy as Dom’s deception continues. Charlie ramps up his sinister presence in Kim’s life.

Extended Summary

Kim comes around early to see how Irene is holding up after the bombshell yesterday. They both feel shocking, but Irene remains cut off – not showing much emotion one way or the other as she listens to Kim. He mentions that he’s heading to the Station to visit his Dad, if she wants to join him? Irene is quick to refuse the offer. Rachel turns up and offers to take him on a picnic lunch, to help him relax. She eventually talks him around to the idea as Kim continues to worry about Irene. Rachel heads to the Surf Club juice bar for picnic fruit and gets a fright when she sees Charlie. He asks how Kim is, he’s heard about Hyde. Is there anything he can do to help his ‘friend’? Rachel assures Charlie that Kim will be okay and that she’s taking him on a picnic – Charlie makes intense comments about his friendship with Kim, which Rach finds slightly odd and moves on. During their picnic, Kim begins to relax a little, despite all that is going on in his life. As he and Rachel kiss, a shadow falls on them – it’s Charlie! He saw them and wanted to check on how Kim is doing. Finally, Kim looses it – you need to back off’. Charlie is crushed and hurries off, Rachel tells Kim off – he already feels terrible. Kim finds Charlie by the water, he apologises, explaining that he has a lot on his mind, Charlie accepts the apology, telling Kim he’s never had time for friends because of looking after his Nan – he really looks up to Kim and thinks he’s cool, Kim feels sorry for him, saying that maybe they could hang out sometimes. Charlie is thrilled! That night, Charlie creeps into the gym, taking something of Kim’s and staring at it intently, holding it close. This is more than just a lonely guy – and it isn’t going to just go away…

Seeing Ric a little out of sorts – Alf asks if he and Dom mended their argument? Ric insists that it was a one off. Alf reminds him that he’s always there to lend and hand or an ear if he needs it. Ric thanks his granddad and heads off to the Diner to meet Belle. Dom enters the Diner and gives Ric heaps, Ric tells him where to go, and even Belle gets in on it, humiliating Dom in front of everyone! He shoots a dark look at the pair and heads out. Ric turns up at work, mid meeting, to discover he’s late – Dom was meant to pass on the message, but didn’t. Dom says he did and calls Belle a scrag – a mini fight breaks out – Gazza pulls them into line and back to work. A complaint comes in about a breaks job – Dom pins Ric for it – he’s even written Ric’s name in the log book for it! Gazza starts berating Ric, when he points out he wasn’t even working that day – all eyes on Dom – his scam has backfired! Gazza lets him have it, sending him home – he’s going to tell his Uncle Ray about this! Ric smiles to himself. Dom later tries to feel up Belle in the gym – she knees him in the groin Belle races off to tell Ric, who isn’t happy. He storms out and finds Dom Ric tells him to never go near Belle again – Dom calls her ‘easy’ and Ric can’t hold back – he takes a swing, sending Dom to his knees! Next day, Ric gets to work and Gazza tells him he’s gone too far with Dom this time – Ric says it was only one punch, to defend my girlfriend! Dom comes out of Ray’s office with bruises – Ric swears he didn’t do that! Gazza sends him into Ray’s office as Ric shoots Dom a dark look – what is with this guy?

Back at the Beach House Irene’s interrupted by a knock at the door, it’s Sally, wanting to see how she’s going? Irene’s fa