Episode 4190

Australian Air Date: 19th May 2006
UK Air Date: 15th September 2006
Writer: Fiona Bozic
Director: Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Cat No: HAW5-320

A desperate waiting game begins when Lucas goes missing at sea. Leah’s attempt to cheer up Dan unexpectedly brings them one step closer to reconciliation.

Extended Summary

Maps of Summer Bay are sprawled out and the person looking over the maps is Zoe! Darren, the block handyman interrupts her, she quickly hides the maps and speaks to him through the chained door. He’s here to fix the tap in the bathroom Zoe smiles to herself – what has she got in store for Summer Bay?! At the Station, Peter fills Jack in on the latest hunt for Zoe – there’s still no sign of her. Peter is still head of the case and it’s out in the open now – all Police are on full alert! Jack apologises for compromising the investigation, thinking Peter was involved with Zoe and the murder of Josh West – Peter’s still angry but insists that it’s imperative the community don’t find out Zoe’s back because everyone could be in danger.

The mood is much lighter at the Holden House – Leah’s dropped by to see how Dan’s settling in after his stint in the Hospital. He feels great and is doing well, has to keep up the medication but hopes to return to work soon. He just wants things to get back to normal. Leah reminds him she’s always here to help – a moment of urst – can they make it as a couple? Leah stays for a coffee. Leah comforts Dan in his frustration. Later at the Diner, Leah sees Colleen waltzing around and wonders what’s going on? Colleen accosts Leah about the dance classes that are happening today – she can’t wait! Colleen comments that dancing is wonderful for coordination, which entices Leah to ask Dan to join her in the classes, it might help him. Dan thinks the idea is crazy, but she thinks it’ll help! Eventually Dan gives in.

After his drunken night at the Surf Club, Lucas wanders, bleary eyed, still pissed off with Beth, to the surf. He rips of his shirt and dives into the ocean. Meanwhile at the Surf Club, Beth finishes clearing the mess the kids made in their drunken, illegal stooper – Tony arrives – he can’t believe Lucas! He feels stupid for having the wool pulled over his eyes. Tony moves off, determined to find Lucas and to let him know who’s boss! Beth follows as Tony charges down the beach, where they find a shirt but no Lucas – there’s no sign of anyone in the water! They check the length of the beach and the rocks – he’s nowhere to be seen! Tony panics when Beth points out that Lucas was pretty drunk. Tony runs into Alf, in a flash he’ll arrange the surf boat! Jack and Martha hear all about what has happened back at the Surf Club.

Cassie and Mattie approach – Lucas still hasn’t turned up at home – Mattie is in tears – Beth tells Cassie to take her back. Mattie is a mess back home – what if she never sees Lucas again? The last time they spoke was tense and awful. She hears a noise from Lucas’ room and opens the door she’s gob smacked to see Lucas on his bed – where the hell have you been? His head is spinning, still hung over from the night before, as he explains he went for a surf, got stuck in a rip and ended up at Stewart’s point, so he walked home. Mattie gives him and earful – everyone thinks you’re missing! Everyone’s arrived back – Tony is fuming – how could Lucas do this? Jack lays into his brother – did he stop to think that Beth could’ve lost her liquor license for having under age drinkers there? What the hell happened to my decent little brother? Lucas heads out – he’s had enough and doesn’t want to hear another word! Mattie opens up to Cassie about how angry she is with Lucas – Cassie points out that there might be something deeper going on with Lucas that’s driving him to act up like this. Mattie moves off, curious. Lucas is brooding on the beach when Mattie approaches. She lets him know that she’s worried – Lucas is about to open up – then shuts down and storms off, leaving a worried Matilda – what’s Lucas hiding?

The dance classes are about to start at the Surf Club – but Colleen’s partner-less! Colleen smiles at Alf – no way am I dancing with you woman! Alf is placed with Colleen and about to start, he can’t believe he got caught up in this! The instructor moves around the room and tells Dan and Leah to move closer together. Dan is still getting his balance, the urst is clear as they move toward each other. Dan stumbles, but Leah is patient and loving. The instructor thinks Dan is a natural – he smiles at this as they switch to a slow track. The romance between he and Leah is undeniable, but Alf has had enough! The instructor ends the session – she wants them all back next class! Alf outright refuses – but Dan and Leah are looking forward to it.

Peter heads to his apartment with Jack, they pass Darren the handyman – the guy who was in Zoe’s apartment earlier! Jack and Peter enter the apartment and close the door. We follow Darren to the apartment door beside Peter’s – he knocks – Zoe answers – oh my god, she’s living next door to Peter?!