UK Air Date: 20th September 2006
Writer: Barbara Bishop
Director: David Gould
Cat No: HAW5-323
Rachel warns Kim of Charlie’s increasingly odd behaviour. Jack faces the worst moment of his career when he is forced to arrest his own brother.
Extended Summary
After the stressful events of the day, Kim is happy to kick back and have a couple of beers with the boys. Dan and Jack offer their support and lift Kim’s spirits with some blokey banter. Suddenly, they are interrupted by a knock at the door. Kim moves to open it and is surprised to find it’s Charlie! Charlie delivers the news he did a drive-by past the Diner and all is clear – no one is hassling his Dad. Kim thanks him before Charlie moves off. Kim closes the door, slightly bemused – what a strange thing to say! The next morning, Rachel is keeping busy with her rounds at the hospital. She’s happy to find Charlie’s grandmother, Doris, is recovering well. Charlie arrives with flowers in hand and Rachel is surprised by Charlie’s new and improved attire. Gone are the daggy clothes and now he is sporting some surfy gear that looks remarkably like something Kim would wear. Rachel thinks nothing of it at first, but as she moves away, her curiosity is getting the better of her. Charlie leaves his Gran to get some rest and Rachel takes the opportunity to chat to Doris about accidentally taking the pills that made her unwell. Doris is bemused – Charlie only ever gives her what she needs and remains adamant she never took any other pills. Later, upon Charlie’s return, Rachel confronts him about the pills. Charlie becomes flustered, insisting Doris must not remember doing so. Rachel is becoming increasingly suss. She notices the scent of a familiar aftershave and comment. Charlie says it’s new but Rachel knows it’s the very same one she gave to Kim last week. Something just isn’t adding up!
Kim’s in the gym, searching around for his name badge when Rachel arrives. Rachel hesitates for a moment before informing Kim of Charlie’s strange behaviour. Kim is a little thrown by Rachel’s suggestion that Charlie may be trying to emulate him and just to keep a look out for any signs of continued weird behaviour. Kim calls it a day and heads home but is a bit bemused when he walks through the door to find Charlie sitting with Jack and Dan having a beer. Kim moves off to grab a beer for himself but Rachel’s advice is ringing in his ears – Charlie is becoming more obsessed!
Hyde hasn’t left the apartment. He picks up the phone and dials Irene’s number but is saddened to get the answering machine again. Irene listens on as Barry leaves his message, pleading with her to give him a second chance. Tasha, Robbie and Belle arrive home and watch on with concern, Poor Barry is miserable when Kim arrives. He admits he can’t get in touch with Irene and although Kim doesn’t want to get involved, he agrees to speak to her on his father’s behalf. Irene is working away in the Diner, lost in her thoughts, when Kim arrives. She quickly realises the point of his visit and is absolutely adamant she doesn’t want anymore to do with Barry. Kim accepts her wishes and moves off. Hyde waits with anticipation for Kim’s return but as Kim walks in the door – he slumps, knowing he has been rejected again!
Lucas is suffering from a bad attitude problem as he wipes down some tables in the Surf Club. The dodgey lads, Hal and Laurence, approach to let Lucas know they are off to have some fun spray tagging the lighthouse. Lucas thinks twice but he’s sick of being told what to do – so in an act of defiance, storms out. Beth gives chase – he hasn’t finished his work but Lucas tells her where to go. Beth is seething! Meanwhile, Hyde watches Irene from the window as she walks to her car. This is his chance to talk. He scurries down the stairs but it’s too late – Irene has already sped off. Lucas, Hal and Laurence are walking past the Diner when they spot Hyde. Hal and Laurence think he should pay for what he’s done…a sinister idea is forming! The lads have now broken into the apartment and produce their spray cans. Lucas is a little on edge – what is he getting himself in to? Hyde later returns and the apartment and is horrified by graffiti all over the walls. It’s another kick in the guts as he reads such things as “murderer” and “wife killer” sprayed on the walls. Lucas is at home, trying to hide his guilt. Tony walks through the door. Lucas feels even worse as Tony ploughs into telling him about the graffiti – how could someone do such a thing?
Tony’s face falls as he notices the shirt with paint on it. Lucas realises there’s no point in denying it. Tony is disgusted – what is son turning in to? The news has spread and in no time, Jack arrives at the door with two police officers. Lucas wonders what’s going on? Tony and Beth watch on helplessly, as Lucas is placed under arrest!