UK Air Date: 26th September 2006
Writer: Faith McKinnon
Director: Geoffrey Nottage
Cat No: HAW5-327
Sally’s world crashes down around her when she makes a chilling discovery. Cassie’s devastated after Macca’s violent attack. Peter and Jack race the clock in a desperate bid to capture Zoe.
Extended Summary
Macca is stunned after hitting Cassie – he moves to her, apologising for what he did, but she immediately backs away – screaming at him to not come near her. She rushes from the house, tears streaming down her face. Macca watches her go, horrified with himself – what the hell has he done? As Cassie rushes away, she nearly bowls over Mattie- Cass doesn’t stop, she keeps on running – Mattie chases her friend. Cassie gets to the beach and stops, still reeling from what Macca did to her. Matilda soon arrives and asks what on earth is wrong? Cassie remains silent and as she turns to her friend, no words are necessary. Her bruised face gives Mattie a shock and all she can do is hold Cassie as she cries. Eventually Cassie eases up and tells her what Macca did – Mattie can’t believe it, she isn’t sure what she can do to help – she advises Cass to tell Sally – but Cassie won’t. They are interrupted by Macca, he apologises again, but Mattie is straight to her feet and rips shreds of him! She tells him to rack off! Surprisingly, Cassie pipes up and says she wants to speak with Macca. Mattie tries to convince her otherwise, but Cass is adamant. Matilda watches on from a short distance as Macca speaks with her friend. He seems emotional and remorseful, telling Cass it was the drugs, not him, and that it will never happen again – he loves her more than life. She is silent throughout and eventually speaks – telling him that she can’t risk that happening again. She’s been a victim before, but never again. She moves off to join Mattie, Macca calling after her, begging for her to reconsider, but she doesn’t look back. A devastated Macca watches as she walks away.
Jack is working away at the Station when Peter enters. He apologises to Jack for his outburst over Martha knowing about Zoe being back. The duo reconcile just as the phone rings – it’s Sally reporting that her house has been trashed! The head to the house and suss it out. Peter thinks Zoe had something to do with it – he keeps this to himself as he asks them all if anything weird has happened lately – phone calls etc? Nothing. Jack asks Peter if he’s going to tell Sally of his suspicions of Zoe being responsible – no – he can’t. Martha arrives home, shocked to see the place in such a state! She immediately looks to Jack, panicked – Sally clocks this exchange. Martha drags Jack out to the BBQ Area, asking if this has anything to do with Zoe? Jack tells her to keep her voice down! She can’t believe they want to continue hiding the truth from her family! Sally appears out the back, and knows something more is going on…
Ric clocks Cassie’s silence – and notices a bruise starting to form on her cheek. She hurries off, not wanting to talk – he watches after her, concerned. Cassie walks along the beach deep in thought when Macca approaches. He tries to beg and plead once more, feeling dreadful – but Cassie cuts him off, telling him how betrayed she feels. Macca pleads for her to remember the good times they had together. Is there a chance she can possibly forgive him? Meanwhile, Mattie is at the Diner, Ric joins her, asking if Cassie okay? Mattie is just about to unload the burden when she sees Cassie walking along with Macca! Mattie doesn’t tell Ric, unsure of what’s going on. She runs over to Cassie as Macca moves off for a moment, trying to find out what the hell is going on – Cass is out of her mind! She assures her that Macca will never hurt her again, it was a one off. Mattie is left with a very bad feeling about it all…
Peter and Jack are at the Station when the warehouse manager calls – he’s got a Wal Harisse renting storage space – the same name Zoe used last time! Peter and Jack race for the door! The manager is waiting as the police cars pull in – he hasn’t seen anyone about, but called when he saw the booking. The guys venture in to the warehouse, guns drawn…
Sally is cleaning up after the house trashing and flicks on the light – a red glow fills the room – curious, she gets a ladder and inspects the globe. She panics when she sees the words ‘tick tock’ written on the bulb! She drops it smashing to the ground realising that Zoe must be back!
Guns drawn, Peter and Jack move slowly, the set up is the same as last time – but now, written on the wall are the words ‘GETTING CLOSER PETER’ – they swap a look and just like last time, there’s a noise from outside – they run! They come out of the storage warehouse in pursuit of the noise, but this time something is different – they spot a black-clad figure running from the warehouse!!! The race is on… Will Peter and Jack be able to capture Zoe before she gets away?