Episode 4200

Australian Air Date: 2nd June 2006
UK Air Date: 29th September 2006
Writer: Kelly Lefever
Director: Geoffrey Nottage
Cat No: HAW5-330

Rachel gets caught in the crossfire as Charlie’s obsession with Kim deepens. A ghost from the past makes a shocking reappearance in Amanda’s life.

Extended Summary

Everyone is stunned as Amanda explains that she is now a professional film maker and that her rotten past is behind her. The townsfolk are no longer keen on the idea of the film being made in the Bay, despite Amanda telling them it’d boost the tourism and overall economy. Colleen is quietly excited about the idea, but doesn’t let on just yet. Amanda swans out leaving Alf and the crowd mightily unimpressed. Alf, Irene and Colleen head to the Diner and fill in Robbie and Tasha on Amanda’s return and the film. Alf doesn’t trust her for a second, they need to inform the public about the truth now! Colleen thinks it’s a good idea – but Alf doesn’t let her get a word in. Robbie and Tasha offer to make flyers for a letter box drop Belle offers to help distribute them – Alf’s confident they’ll hit this thing on the head before it starts. Leah, Dan and Ryan enter – Alf fills them in on the latest and wonders if Dan knows where she is living? Dan pulls out the card Amanda gave him – she’s the one who’s moved into the fancy joint up on the hill! Meanwhile, Belle and the others are delivering a flyer to the huge house on the hill – Tasha and Robbie arrange to meet up with her at the bottom of the street. Belle moves off across the driveway just as a flash car turns sharply into the driveway, almost running Belle down. Oblivious, Amanda steps out of the car – Belle approaches, furious! Stupid cow! Amanda gives it back as good as she gets, then sees the flyers. Amanda’s not happy! She sends Belle on her way as Amanda makes a call to the council, ripping into them – she wants filming approval now! She gets off the phone, looking around the house, things are starting to finally go her way and she won’t let Alf Stewart and his cronnies stop her! She sits back, sipping on a cocktail, when there’s a knock at the door. Amanda is stunned when she opens the door to see her mother, Kitty, standing before her. Amanda is completely rattled!

Leah continues to swoon as Dan asks her for another dance after their romantic meal – the couple are the happiest they’ve been in a long time. Their dance is interrupted by Ryan racing in – Dan holds his son tight – then Leah looks over to see Amanda. She’s back. Both Dan and Leah are stunned. Ryan tells his dad all about his adventures overseas – Amanda makes a snide remark about Dan having his own adventures, he can’t decide between his ex wives! Leah takes Ryan outside so they can sort this out. Dan lets her know that he won’t put up with her games anymore and that the only time he’ll see her is when he is picking up or dropping off Ryan. Amanda is taken aback by his strength, but not about to feel guilty – Dan used and abused her! Great, she’s back! Dan makes some pancakes for Ryan and as he digs in, Dan is clearly anxious at Amanda’s return. Leah tells him to leave it in the past. Ryan asks if Leah and Dan are back together – they smile, yes we are! He grins – cool! Later, Leah and Dan head to Amanda’s to drop Ryan off – they can’t believe the size of her place! Amanda makes a dig at the couple, obvious they are together again and happy. Leah goes at it and makes it clear that Amanda can’t get between them ever again. Amanda is taken aback, but isn’t worried!

Charlie is alone, head in his hands, when Rachel approaches. He feels guilty, but is genuinely grief stricken. He can’t believe Doris is gone. Rachel tries to offer comfort, but he recoils and snaps at her to get the hell away from him. Kim arrives, Rachel fills him in. Kim feels sorry for Charlie and that he was so harsh with him earlier. Charlie leans into Kim, an awkward moment. Nurse Julie finds an empty bottle of sedative in the bin near Doris’s room – Kim is uneasy at this – what if someone used it on Doris – it may be the cause of her sudden death. Rachel thinks Charlie is responsible. She lets Kim know that Charlie wasn’t looking forward to Doris heading home – it meant he had to return to his life of looking after her – no more life of his own. Charlie is listening in to Rachel’s words and he’s not happy!

Rachel sees Charlie and tries to draw info out of him, but he immediately bristles saying he had nothing to do with her death! He turns on her saying she wants Kim to not be friends with him anymore and that she’s trying to come between them! She fills Kim in on the encounter – should they go to the cops to report him? She urges Kim to use the admiration Charlie has for him to try and get the confession they need about Doris, it’s the only way. Kim tries his best, but Charlie is onto him – Charlie tells him that Rachel is jealous of their friendship. Kim loses his cool and demands Charlie admit to killing his Gran – Charlie screams at Kim and runs away… Rachel has to report this to Olivetti. But Charlie beats her to it – he placed a complaint against Rachel of medical negligence causing her death! Rachel can’t believe it! She now has to prove her innocence!