Episode 4201

Australian Air Date: 5th June 2006
UK Air Date: 2nd October 2006
Writer: Sarah Walker
Director: Mark Piper
Cat No: HAW5-331

Charlie’s twisted obsession puts Rachel’s career in jeopardy. How will Kitty break the news that Amanda’s archenemy is her own daughter?

Extended Summary

Rachel knows she’s got a fight on her hands to prove her innocence. She defends her actions to Olivetti, insisting she gave Doris the correct amount of medication. Furthermore, she explains a vile of the same sedative was found in a bin in the waiting area. Rachel reveals her suspicions about Charlie, but Olivetti is torn over the serious allegations. Poor Rachel is left reeling when Olivetti informs her she is suspended until further investigation and must attend a meeting with the hospital board tomorrow. Kim’s anger spills over as Rachel brings him up to speed on the latest allegations Charlie has made against her. Kim insists he may help by trying to talk Charlie into retracting the complaint, but Rachel is confident it will further aggravate the situation. It’s clear that Charlie is disturbed and there’s no knowing what he will do next!

Meanwhile, Charlie arrives home, deeply affected by Kim’s earlier outburst. He is seemingly calm until suddenly he loses control and completely up-ends the living room. His intense anger subsides when he looks down to a broken photo frame bearing a picture of him with Doris. He sobs as he continuously mutters it’s all her fault…this guy is seriously losing his mind! The next morning, Kim is getting ready for a surf Charlie once again appears by Kim’s side. Kim tries to bite his tongue but eventually his anger spills over and he rips in to Charlie, before storming off. Charlie tries to keep up his bravado, but yells out that they will be “Friends Forever”! It’s crunch time and Rachel nervously waits to be called into the meeting as Kim stands by, offering his reassurance. The only person missing now is Charlie! Just as it seems he is doing a no-show, he appears with the heartfelt excuse he was late because he was making arrangements for the funeral. Little do they know he has in fact just come from Kim’s house! Rachel dreads what is about to unfold. Charlie sits before the hospital investigation board looking cool and collected. Charlie ploughs in to the story he has felt Rachel has had a crush on him and she has become obsessed with him. He is confident she is shifting the blame to cover her own negligence and also as an act of revenge because he rejected her inappropriate advances! Olivetti is stunned and the board are clearly following his every word. Rachel steels herself as she enters the room. Olivetti launches in to Charlie’s version of events and Rachel is absolutely stunned that he has manipulated every inch of the truth. Rachel tries to lay rest to the claims but her story sounds just as far fetched as his – who will they believe?

Rachel and Kim can’t believe the lengths Charlie has gone to – what will he do next? Charlie sits in his darkened house all alone. He stares down at a photo of Kim and Rachel he stole from Kim’s house earlier. He cuts around Kim’s face it over the top of Doris’s face in the picture he broke last night. Charlie looks at the new picture created of him and Kim side by side – this is his family now! How much more sick and twisted can Charlie get?!

Amanda watches on suspiciously as Kitty and Ryan get know each other – it’s the first time they’ve ever met. Amanda can’t help but wonder why her mother has appeared after years of not even speaking to one another. Amanda has had enough of keeping up appearances and sends Ryan to bed. Amanda confronts Kitty, demanding she be told the truth. It seems such a coincidence she show up on the door step as soon as Amanda has become a rich woman. Kitty insists Amanda’s money has nothing to do with her return, rather it is about reconciling with family. The years are passing her by and she doesn’t want to grow old lonely. Amanda is far from convinced. Kitty realises she’s going to have to bring out the big guns and eventually spins the lie that her return is motivated by the discovery she is dying from cancer. Amanda is stunned and buys the story hook, line and sinker and agrees to let her mother stay. Amanda moves off, leaving Kitty feeling utterly guilty and still in the dilemma of how she is going to break the news that Amanda has a daughter! Belle watches on as Amanda approaches Irene in the Diner with the offer to use Irene’s house for a location in her next movie. Belle pipes up with her opinion and in no time, they are ripping into one another. Amanda swans off, leaving Belle seething – she can’t stand that woman!

Belle offers to be messenger to inform Amanda that Irene is not going to accept her offer. Irene warns her not to make waves. Belle arrives at Amanda’s house and sure enough, another argument erupts. Kitty’s peers out the window to see what the commotion is and is shocked to discover Amanda and Belle getting on like a house on fire (not!). Amanda slams the door as she comes back inside and Kitty soon realises Amanda and Belle hate each other. Uh-oh…how’s she going to tell Amanda her enemy is, in fact, her daughter?!