Episode 4202

Australian Air Date: 6th June 2006
UK Air Date: 3rd October 2006
Writer: Susan Hore
Director: Mark Piper
Cat No: HAW5-332

Charlie’s obsession takes a chilling turn when Rachel goes missing. Belle seeks revenge on Amanda but it’s only a matter of time before they discover the truth!

Extended Summary

Charlie proudly places the photo of him and Kim on the table. He admires it for a moment, before turning his attention to a pile of documents relating to funeral arrangements. Meanwhile, Kim is pouring out his frustrations to Jack. Rachel has become increasingly distressed and Kim asks for Jack’s advice on how to help her situation. He’s not going to let Charlie wreak any more havoc! Suddenly a thought strikes Kim and he races off. Charlie is still sorting through funeral documents when Kim arrives. Charlie is immediately on edge and Kim knows he has to work hard to convince Charlie he is on his side. Kim tries reverse psychology and slowly but surely, convinces Charlie they are mates – and reiterates Charlie’s previous statement that they will be “friends forever”. Kim goes as far as saying he and Rachel have broken up and gradually Charlie becomes convinced that Kim is totally committed to their friendship. Charlie’s defences disintegrate and he admits to giving Doris the drugs that killed her. Kim is sympathetic and encourages Charlie to do the right thing and admit to his mistake.

Meanwhile, Jack is on his way to work when Rachel arrives, looking for Kim. She is instantly on alert when Jack informs her he darted out to take care of the situation. Kim is shuffling Charlie out the door, utterly relieved that has talked him in to making a confession. But timing couldn’t be worse, as Rachel pulls up in her car. Kim tries desperately to get Rachel to cotton on to his plan but her confusion leads Charlie to realise he has been betrayed. He races off, deeply distressed that Kim was ready to stitch him up. Rachel is devastated – they came so close to ending this mess but now the disaster has worsened! They call on Jack, who starts searching around Charlie’s house. As Kim and Rachel reassure Jack they don’t consider Charlie to be a danger, one of the police officers hands Jack some funeral documents. Kim and Rachel are horrified as Jack reveals that Charlie wasn’t planning Doris’s funeral – he was planning Rachel’s!! Rachel is shaken and kicking herself she didn’t see the signs in his behaviour. Back at home, Kim is doing all her can to reassure Rachel she will be safe. The phone rings and Kim’s face falls – it’s Charlie and he is threatening to harm himself. Kim agrees to meet Charlie at the rocks on the beach. Kim rushes down to the point but Charlie is nowhere to be seen. He dreads as he looks over the cliff – but there is still no sign. He is filled with horror as he realises it is a set up and Rachel is home alone! In a panicked state, Kim races through the door, yelling out to Rachel but he stops dead in his tracks when he comes face to face with Charlie standing in the hallway. What has Charlie done?!!

Kitty is on the phone telling the person on the other end that things have become more complicated and she still hasn’t revealed the truth to Amanda. Kitty quickly hangs up as Amanda enters the room. Kitty gently questions why Amanda was arguing with someone yesterday and Amanda responds that Belle is a feral child who has it in for her! Things aren’t going well for Kitty – how’s she going to break the news now? Back in the Diner, Alf roars in, after just learning Amanda’s been granted council approval to film in the area. Belle listens on in disbelief – how did that scrag Amanda get away with it? Belle has started her shift waitressing at the Diner, when Amanda arrives with an even more lucrative deal to use Irene’s house in the film. Irene reiterates “no” is her answer and Belle jumps in to defend her. Amanda has had enough of Belle and accidentally bumps the milkshake she is holding – sending it flying. Belle is seething but an idea for revenge is forming.

Belle storms towards Amanda’s House carrying a garbage bag with a bottles of off milk from the Diner. She checks and finds a key – bingo! Checking the coast is clear, Belle enters the house and covers Amanda’s expensive rug in stinky milk…ahhh…sweet revenge! Belle is distracted by a noise and darts out, as Kitty peers around the corner. She’s just seen the whole thing unravel but is relieved Belle didn’t see her. Amanda arrives home and is disgusted by the mess she now has the pleasure of cleaning up! Kitty spins the story someone must have been in house when she was napping and Amanda is instantly aware of who would be capable of such a thing!

Kitty opens the door and Irene is certain she has met her before. Kitty suggests she has probably seen her in her movies but as Irene moves off, it is clear Kitty is fearful her secret may soon be exposed. Belle is finishing her shift and gathers up her belongings when Irene arrives back from Amanda’s. But as she does so, a picture of Kitty falls from the journal in her bag and slides on the floor under a shelf…uh-oh…if Irene finds it – the secret is out!!