Episode 4204

Australian Air Date: 8th June 2006
UK Air Date: 5th October 2006
Writer: Sam Meikle
Director: Mark Piper
Cat No: HAW5-334

A car explosion leaves the town terrorised. Peter is close to breaking point as Zoe watches his every move. Macca snaps at Cassie for spending too much time with Ric.

Extended Summary

Everyone is reacting in horror to what they’ve just witnessed on the video tape – Zoe is back and clearly determined to wreak havoc in Summer Bay once again. Peter does his best to calm the group but they flare up, demanding to know why Peter didn’t tell them all sooner. He assures them the discretion was in their best interests and will organise a meeting in the morning to brief the town. Peter urges them to go home and reiterates they are in no immediate danger. Macca’s keen to head off but Cassie insists she wants to stay with her family. He accepts her decision but as he moves off, he is clearly unimpressed Cassie has chosen her family over him. Jack gives Martha a kiss, apologising their party had to end this way, before heading down to the station with Peter. Tracey meets them at the Police Station to discuss Zoe’s latest move, but as Peter opens the door to his office, he is confronted with a message scrawled all over the window: “You didn’t see that one coming, did you Peter?”. Peter is deeply shaken – how much more can he take?

Sally’s mind flashes back to the events that took place when Zoe last terrorised the Bay. She confides her anxiety to Alf, who is quick to offer his support but Cassie and Ric listen on, concerned to see Sally so distraught. The next morning and Ric and Cassie walk along the beach discussing Sally’s reaction to Zoe’s return. Cassie is overwhelmed and Ric puts his arm around her in comfort. From a distance, Macca spots the two and he’s not happy but reigns his hostility as he approaches. Macca takes over comforting Cassie and as they head off, Macca throws a dark look to Ric – Cassie is his now!

Peter is exhausted as he works away at his desk. Tracey has been mulling over the case and comes to the conclusion that the only people that knew about the party were family and friends – what if one of them is somehow involved with Zoe? Peter is shocked by Tracey’s suggestion but knows he mustn’t rule out the possibilities.

Everyone gathers for the town meeting – still shell-shocked from the news that Zoe is back in the Bay. Peter arrives with Jack, Tracey and a group of police officers. As he looks around at the irate community members, he knows he’s got a challenge ahead convincing them that they are in no immediate danger. Peter apologises to the group for not informing them sooner but reassures them there is a strong team of police searching for Zoe and there is nothing to worry about. In that instant, a huge blast is heard from outside – what on Earth was that? Peter leads the race to see what is going on and is shocked to find a car ablaze in the Surf Club car park. Zoe has struck again!! Peter kicks in to action, ordering forensics to hit the scene. Once again, there are no eye witnesses and Peter is now of the firm belief that Zoe may have an accomplice. Meanwhile, all hell has broken loose inside the Surf Club – so much for being safe? Macca isn’t impressed when Ric moves to comfort Cassie – again! Macca storms off in a huff and Cassie gives chase, demanding to know what his problem is. Macca fires up, insisting she’s spending too much time with Ric and storms off leaving Cassie bemused at his moody behavior. It seems Macca is becoming a green eyed monster!

Back at the station, Peter and Tracey are wracking their brains as to who could be leaking information to Zoe. How could Zoe know their every move? But unknown to Tracey and Peter, is a small spy camera perched above them in the air vent, capturing their every word and every action. Uh-oh…armed with this knowledge, Zoe is capable of anything. What will she do next?!