Episode 4207

Australian Air Date: 13th June 2006
UK Air Date: 10th October 2006
Writer: Sarah Walker
Director: Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Cat No: HAW5-337

Ric and Matilda desperately try to free Cassie from her abusive relationship with Macca. Jack and Martha make a life altering decision.

Extended Summary

Jack and Martha wake to a new day – relieved that the nightmare of yesterday is over. Both are relieved that Zoe is finally behind bars. Alf couldn’t agree more as Ric wanders in, distracted. Alf calls him on it – is is about Belle? Ric denies it – his mind clearly on something bigger. Martha loves Jack so much she wants to marry him now, they share a passionate kiss and Martha grins – let’s get married at the end of the week! Jack is stunned – 3 days to plan a wedding? Martha doesn’t want a big fancy affair – life’s too short, let’s do it!

Macca is being tenderly and loving after hitting Cassie – she’s still tender – and he’s wooing her to make up for it. She’s trying to put it behind her, but struggling to do so. He tells Cass how happy he is that things have ‘turned out’ between them – his mission is to make her happy, starting with brekkie at the Diner. She watches after him – is it really going to be that easy? Alf thinks Martha is out of her flamin’ mind for wanting to move the wedding to the end of the week! Martha isn’t put off – she and Jack want this now – Zoe is behind bars, they’re in love – why wait? They just need a little help – Tony, Beth and Sally agree to do what they can! Rachel enters, Beth asks her how things are with the Charlie situation? Rach has taken time off work and Kim has been a wonderful support to her. Meanwhile – Macca and Jack figure the easiest way to plan the wedding is to have teams – Jack calls on Tony, Alf and Lucas, while Martha has Beth, Sally, Mattie and Colleen. Jack’s team to do the reception, Martha’s the reception. It’s full steam ahead!

Ric sits alone as Cassie and Macca enter the Diner. Cass flinches as Macca puts his arm around her – Ric clocks it. Cass remembers something she has to do and wanders out, Ric follows. He tries to convince her to come home – he can help her! Cass insists that it is all in Ric’s head – nothing is going on! Ric walks along in a daze when he runs into Mattie – he says he’s worried about Cass and Macca. Mattie didn’t know she was in hospital! She goes quiet and Ric demands she spill it. She’s reluctant, but tells him that Macca hit Cass a week ago. Ric is reeling! Why didn’t Cass tell him? Mattie says it’s cause Cass is scared. Ric sees red, he’s going to get him! Mattie points out that violence is the problem already – Ric knows she’s right – but what can they do? Ric points out she will hate them if they go to Sally – Mattie has another idea… They head to see Rachel and tell her what’s going on, in confidence. Rachel takes it in – she agrees to speak with Cassie, she’ll do what she can.

Meanwhile, Cass returns to the apartment, paper bag in hand, she’s alone. She opens the bag to reveal a pregnancy test – she stares at it, gravely! Moments later she hears a key in the door – she tries to hide the test, but Macca knows she’s hiding something. Cass explains she’s late, Macca is really excited! This makes Cass uncomfortable, considering all the problems they’ve been through lately… Cass does the test and anxiously waits for the result, she thinks back to all that has happened to her and Macca, concerned about the relationship. The moment is broken when Macca enters, turns out it was a false alarm, not pregnant. Macca is disappointed, Cass obviously relieved. He holds her and tells her he loves her. Later, Cass is alone when Rachel drops by. Cass is defensive, saying she’s busy, no time to talk – Rach persists, saying Ric and Mattie have spoken to her and they’re worried. Cass is immediately defensive. Rach asks her what she would do if she was in Mattie and Ric’s shoes? Cass is silent in response. She lets Rachel in. Cass admits that they are having problems, but they love each other and will sort it out. Cass defends Macca the whole way. Rach makes it clear that someone who loves you, doesn’t hit you. Cass takes in her words, beginning to breakthrough as Macca returns – he isn’t happy – how dare she fill Cass’ head with psychobabble! Rach can see how irate he’s getting and offers for Cass to go with her – Cass stays with Macca, knowing how angry he’s getting. Rach has no choice but to leave…

The wedding teams are working hard – but Alf’s had enough of this nonsense – sit down and compare notes! Jack’s planned a beautiful ceremony with a harp player at Stewart’s Point – Martha has found a cool old farm shed for a bush band, hay bales – a hoe down! The others look deflated – but Martha is happy – we’ve both contributed, let’s leave it – our own unique wedding!

The teams head out, pleased, as Rachel comes down and fills Ric and Mattie in on the events upstairs – she agrees that Cass needs help. Ric can’t stand it, he races for the stairs, the girls try to stop him, but he doesn’t look back! He races up and knocks on the door, a moment later, the door opens a fraction, it’s Macca. Ric looks at him darkly – he insists Cass is too busy to see him and closes the door in his face. Inside, Macca turns to Cassie, who’s sitting on the lounge, crying, the side of her face is badly bruised and swollen – he’s beaten her again and she’s trapped!