UK Air Date: 11th October 2006
Writer: Sabour Bradley
Director: Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Cat No: HAW5-338
Sally’s intervention brings a dramatic end to Macca’s hold over Cassie. Belle and Ric’s relationship reaches breaking point.
Extended Summary
Ric feels uneasy, knowing that Macca is hiding something – why else wouldn’t he let Ric inside to see Cass?
Belle enters, she’s glad to see Ric, they need to talk. He tells Mattie he’ll meet her at his place – she heads off as Ric asks Belle why she hasn’t answered any of his calls? She’s been mad at him, but is softening now – she misses him. She wants to put this Cassie stuff behind them and to meet up after her shift at the Diner. Ric forces a smile and agrees – thinking of his priority with Cassie at the moment. Upstairs, Macca tries to rationalize his latest attack on Cass, he doesn’t want her discussing their private life with anyone! Cassie jumps when the phone rings – Macca tells her to let the machine get it. It’s Martha – she wants to ask Cass a few things about the wedding. Martha hangs up, Mattie is concerned but doesn’t let on as Ric enters. He tells Mattie that Macca wouldn’t let him in to see Cass. What has he done to her? They’ve got no choice but to tell Sally everything… Meanwhile, Macca is being more jovial towards Cassie now, which only adds to her confusion. He remarks on how quiet she’s been and has an idea – he heads out. Cassie gazes wearily around her – how did she end up here? She makes a decision – collects her things and heads out. This time she knows what she has to do.
At the Diner, Belle fills Irene in on her date with Ric this afternoon as Macca interrupts, wanting to order a picnic hamper. Irene gets it sorted and reminds Belle to go easy on bad mouthing Cassie – it won’t help things with her and Ric. Belle just hopes Ric’s got his priorities sorted now… Meanwhile, Ric waits at home for Sally – he doesn’t know how he thought he could deal with this on his own. Sally enters taking in Mattie and Ric’s grave expressions. Sally wants to know what’s going on, as Ric explains the whole story… At the Diner Apartment, Macca walks in with the hamper to see Cass has packed her bags – he’s hurt and doesn’t understand why she would leave. She quietly tells him she has to go – he become frustrated that she won’t talk about it. As she picks up her bag, he grabs it, throwing it back down. She tries her best to ignore him and continues gathering her things. He tells her he loves her – Cassie looks him in the eye and asks why then does he keep hitting her? He looses control, saying she shouldn’t have spoken to Rachel! As he moves to hit her again, Sally races in standing between them. Fiercly protective, Sally sends Cass and her things outside. Sal tells him if he ever lays a hand on her again, he will live to regret it! Sal takes the battered Cassie home – Ric and Mattie are stunned by her face – Alf wants to call the police! Cassie pleads that he doesn’t, she’s just glad to be home. Ric can’t take it – he has to get Macca for this – Ric’s hell bent as he moves out. Macca is staring out to sea when Ric pushes him – he wants to lay into Macca, but Alf stops him. Cassie is fretting as Alf and Ric return. Martha enters and wonders what is going on?! She sees Cassie’s face… Martha finds Macca and confronts him – she is disgusted and ashamed – their mother would disown him if she were still alive! She wants nothing more to do with him! Macca is close to tears.
Belle is waiting for Ric, he’s late… Meanwhile Ric is with Cassie, she’s sitting on her bed, numb. He apologises for going off the handle with Macca as Martha comes in and apologises for her brother… Sally confides in Alf that she feels shocking she hadn’t known about this – she should have seen it. She thanks Mattie and Ric for telling her – just wish it had been sooner. Ric heads out for air…he’s wandering the beach when Belle marches up, seriously upset. Where the hell have you been? Ric tries to explain, but Belle isn’t impressed – it’s Cassie again, isn’t it?! Belle officially calls the relationship quits and heads off.
Cassie opens up to Martha when Sally comes in, asking Cass if she wants to report the assault – Martha would if it was her. Cassie is left with food for thought…as Macca looks at a photo of he and Cass during happy times. Cassie looks at her injuries in the mirror, wincing at the pain…will she have him charged? She heads downstairs to Martha, Sally and Alf and tells them she wants Macca charged. The phone rings, Sally is stunned, that was the police – Macca has turned himself in for the assault! Cassie heads out alone for some air…
Belle sees Cassie and calls out blaming her for her break up with Ric – Cassie doesn’t respond, trying to cover her bruised face with her hair. She then comes to a standstill when she sees Macca ahead. He’s packing his car as Cassie tentatively approaches – he apologises, he knows what he did was wrong, and he does love her. She tells him she doesn’t hate him, but he needs to get help. He drives away, as Cassie watches on, ending a horrible chapter in her life.