Episode 4210

Australian Air Date: 16th June 2006
UK Air Date: 13th October 2006
Writer: John Hanlon
Director: Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Cat No: HAW5-340

Dan edges closer to discovering the truth about Amanda and Belle’s relationship. Wedding bells are in the air as Martha and Jack prepare for their big day. Rachel and Kim announce their impending departure from Summer Bay.

Extended Summary

Rachel is totally stunned as she lets Kim’s proposal sink in – she thinks he’s out of his mind! He is sincere and insists he meant every word. She’s having a hard time getting her head around it all – but Kim disagrees, it’s simple! All she has to decide is if she wants to spend the rest of her life with him. She’s sure of that. Then off we go to New York and the rest of our lives together! She says yes, to everything – love, excitement, hugs and kisses. Rachel jumps on the phone to Olivetti to say yes – luckily the position is still available to her! They leave the day after tomorrow, so they’d better get cracking! All are excited to hear their news – sad to see them leaving, but such a great opportunity! Leah makes them promise to come home for their wedding – Rachel assures her that they will.

Preparations are madly underway for Martha and Jack’s pre-wedding party. Lucas and Mattie bump into each other, a moment of URST, as Tony, Lucas and Robbie as best men, get suits organized. Cassie, Tasha and Mattie are bridesmaids – Martha heads up to see if Cassie wants to get the dresses with them. Still shell shocked from all that has happened, Cassie stares at her battered face in the mirror. She turns to Martha and gives her an ‘out’ if she doesn’t want a bruised bridesmaid – but Martha won’t hear of it. She reminds Cass that none of it was her fault and that she is a smart, strong, beautiful woman, no matter what. Cass gives her a smile and heads out to get dresses with the others. Meanwhile, the boys finish setting up for the party when Peter and Tracey arrive, lugging grog, a present from the Station. They deliver good news that Zoe is being transferred to the city first thing in the morning – relief all round!

Kitty is wondering how she is going to handle this situation when Amanda returns. She comments on how Kitty has won Dan over quickly because she is so ill, Kitty panics at this – is he cottoning on to her lies? Just as Dan arrives to collect something of Ryan’s. Amanda heads off to get it and Kitty steps into damage control. She admits she lied about her treatment and that she didn’t want Amanda to find out that she isn’t taking any treatment at all. She knows how much it would upset Amanda. Dan is shocked as Amanda comes back – clocking the tension, Kitty insists everything is fine, giving Dan a pleading look. Later that night, Kitty wanders down in the dark to get a drink and is shocked to see Amanda sitting alone, she’s very upset. Kitty asks her what’s wrong and Amanda explains that she thinks about the past a lot – her baby that died, the night of the labour, the pain the memory brings. Kitty offers comfort, while all the while she cries tears with her daughter – Kitty’s are of self hatred and guilt. How on earth is she going to break this news to Amanda?

The party is in full-swing, as Mattie and Lucas continue their moments of urst and Ric convinces Cassie to dance – she smiles, the first one in a long time. Dan points Peter and Tracey’s flirting to Leah – maybe there’s something there, as Rachel runs through a mental checklist for New York, while Kim tries to get her to relax! Martha suggests they have their goodbye do at their wedding reception – they both object, it’s their day! But Martha insists. She comments that Macca isn’t invited to the wedding, Cassie overhears this and insists that he should be the – despite all that’s happened, he’s Martha’s brother.

Next morning is the day of the wedding and Zoe’s transfer to the city prison. Peter and Tracey sign off forms, Peter looks Zoe in the eye, ‘Game over Zoe’. Then he watches Zoe being led to the paddy wagon. As the caged door is closed Zoe sits quietly, smiling sinisterly to herself. Something isn’t quite right. Peter says goodbye to Tracey, until next time and the van drives off into the distance…

Alf gets everyone moving – there’s no time to waste! The boys crack open beers as the girls have champers as they get ready. Cassie tries to hide her bruises with make up as Martha gets into her wedding dress… Alf knocks on Martha’s door, she turns to face him and we see her in the wedding dress. She looks like an angel. Alf is nearly brought to tears as he tells her how pleased he is that they found each other and that he can be part of this day. She thanks him for everything – she can handle not having the whole family here today because he’s there to give her away, it means the world to her. Martha swigs the last of her champagne, links arms with Alf and heads off to her wedding!