UK Air Date: 20th October 2006
Writer: Sandy Webster
Director: Scott Hartford Davis
Cat No: HAW5-345
Rachel’s on the verge of a breakdown as she attempts to shut out her grief. Belle reacts with anger following the revelation that Amanda is her mother. Summer Bay is changed forever when another unexpected tragedy befalls them.
Extended Summary
Belle and Irene are utterly stunned as Amanda reveals she is Belle’s mother! Belle remains quiet as Amanda’s story unfolds and finally, Belle learns the truth. Amanda braces herself for Belle’s backlash, but it doesn’t happen – much to Irene and Amanda’s bemusement, Belle gets up and walks away. Irene urges Amanda to give Belle some space and explains that Belle is probably struggling with the fact that her real mother is actually still alive. Belle pipes up, insisting this is not the case and is adamant she never wants to have any kind of relationship with Amanda. As far as she’s concerned, she doesn’t have a mother.
Irene does her best to comfort Belle but insists the shock must be mutual for Amanda. This is food for thought as Belle begins to open up to Irene about the anticipation of meeting her mother and then the sadness she felt when she discovered her mother was supposedly dead. Now it turns out her mother is the one person she despises more than anyone! Irene suggests that maybe she felt so strongly towards Amanda because of an unexplained bond. Is Belle willing to give Amanda a chance?
Belle arrives at Amanda’s house and takes a deep breath, readying herself to confront her mother. But, as she moves closer to the front door, which is slightly ajar, she overhears Amanda talking about her on the phone. Amanda mentions how disappointed she is that her daughter has turned out to be so horrible, but as Amanda turns around, she discovers Belle standing in the doorway. Uh-oh, Belle has just everything! Belle is filled with hurt and hatred as she bolts from the house. Has Amanda just blown the one chance to get to know Belle?
Amanda in desperation arrives back at the Beach House, to make amends with Belle, but is horrified when she discovers Kitty has beaten her to it. Belle is being swayed by Kitty’s heartfelt apologies and Amanda is disgusted her mother is up to her old tricks. An argument erupts and Irene arrives home just in time to put and end to it all and send Amanda and Kitty packing. Poor Belle is caught in the middle of this mess!
Kim is surprised to learn Rachel is still busy at work – it is clear she is trying her best to push aside the grief over losing her mother but Kim’s concern is growing that Rachel is not dealing with things very well at all. Rachel proceeds to Jack’s room, where Martha and Jack talk of the devastation that eventuated from what was meant to be the happiest day of their lives. Jack is still weak following his surgery but they are confident their love for one another will get them through this. Rachel moves off, she is overwhelmed by her loss -and she is clearly more tormented than she is letting on.
Rachel is doing all she can to be ‘Super Doc’ – the busier she is, the less she has to think about. She finishes up a phone call and announces the top plastic surgeon has offered to treat the patients with minor burns. Kim, Robbie, Belle, Kit and Martha are appreciative of her support and the trouble she has gone to to get them the best treatment. Rachel reveals she has organised a helicopter to take them to the city hospital. As they all gather round to say their goodbyes, they are filled with hope. As Belle embraces Irene, her face clouds over when she spots Amanda heading towards her. Amanda tries one last desperate time to win Belle over – but Belle is standing firm and reiterates that as far as she’s concerned, her mother is dead!
As the group leave on the helicopter, their loved ones rally together to talk of the recent events which have devastated their lives. Alf gives a heartfelt plea not to give up, as a community they will get through this.
Meanwhile, Rachel is in the background on the phone. Her face falls and clearly what she is hearing, is terrible news! Rachel puts the phone down in shock and approaches the group, who are immediately concerned when they see the state Rachel is in. Rachel hesitates, before revealing the helicopter ran in to a storm and they have dropped off the radar! Everyone is filled with fear as Rachel continues that the search has been put into action but there is very little hope that anyone will survive!!