UK Air Date: 10th November 2006
Writer: Sarah Walker
Director: Mark Piper
Cat No: HAW5-360
Unaware that the chopper crash victims are actually still alive, Summer Bay residents decide to call off the search. Facing certain death, Kim and Kit give into their passion. Robbie struggles to stay strong as Martha and Belle hover at death’s door.
Extended Summary
Tony finally tells Beth what’s going on with Lucas and Lee. She’s stunned! He didn’t want to trouble her with it – there’s so much else to worry about with Kit and Robbie still missing. Beth isn’t worried about them though – they’re coming home as far as she’s concerned. Tony is worried about Beth – she’s in denial of reality – they might not return… Beth’s more concerned about Mattie – she notices red marks on her knuckles again, from throwing up. Mattie covers saying it’s a reaction to a hand cream… Beth talks about a family outing she’s organising for when Kit and Robbie return. Mattie stares at her Mum – she’s frustrated at her – why can’t she accept the situation?
Everyone is reacting to the news of Amanda’s money running out – there’s enough to search one more day. Everyone offers to get as much together as they can at short notice. Beth is devastated to hear the news about the search. Macca pipes up. He thinks what they’re doing is crazy. The terrain is intense! We should end the search.’ Everyone is up in arms at this, until Alf interjects. He thinks Macca’s right. He hates to say it but even if they survived the crash, there’s little chance they would’ve survived being out in the bush for such a long time. Amanda is starting to understand. She doesn’t want to believe the worst either. Beth lashes out at Amanda: What you’re asking us to do is accept that they’re dead! When the fact is they’re still alive! Amanda’s stunned by the venomous attack as Beth rushes out.
The foursome are staggering through the bush – all extremely sick, bar Robbie. The water was contaminated. Belle, Colin and Martha have experienced vomiting and nausea. Robbie urges everyone to stay strong – they need to keep going. Meanwhile, Kit and Kim are waiting it out. Kit’s injured ankle has deteriorated and she struggles to cope with the pain. They’ve had no food or water for the last day and half. The only choice they have, is for him to go out alone and try and find some water. Kit takes this in, horrified… What if he doesn’t come back? Kim points out that they need water – desperately. Kim moves off. The foursome continue their slow journey through the terrain when Martha’s legs give way and she collapses. Robbie rushes to her aid. Once again he urges her to muster all her strength to continue on, but Martha knows she can’t go on. Then Belle screams – she’s been bitten by a spider and tumbles over in intense pain. They think it’s a redback! Deadly silence descends
Kit finally spies a weary Kim approaching She soon becomes hysterical. She doesn’t want to die. She’s not ready… Kim offers soothing, comforting words as he gently wipes her tears away. Overcome by feelings of hopelessness and despair, Martha opens up to Robbie: You spend your life focusing on things that don’t matter – and then when it comes to the end, you wish you could take it back, that you lived your life differently. Out of that, Robbie reveals that he wished he’d never turned off his grandfather’s life support. Martha takes that in, seeing his pain and draws him into a hug.
Night has fallen, dark and cold. Kim and Kit are huddled under the blanket, clinging to each other in a desperate attempt to stave off hyperthermia. Both Kit and Kim are fearing the worst now. Kit tries to apologise – if she hadn’t been injured, Kim wouldn’t have stayed. Kim silences her, yet he’s clearly not convinced by his own assurances. Kit registers this and quietly thanks him for everything – all the support, for their time together, here now and before. She’s honoured that he’s been such a huge part of her life. The sense of their last goodbye as Kim responds in kind. Their eyes meet, and they share a tender kiss – that slowly develops into something far more passionate. And finally, overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment in their desperate predicament, they give in to their desires!
Colin alerts Robbie to the fact that Belle is still breathing; but only just. Still, there’s nothing they can do for her. Martha turns to Robbie, all her strength drained from her now when she asks him to tell Jack she loves him, and to tell Ann that she’s sorry. Robbie’s confused – who is Ann? But as Robbie tries to get an answer from her, he realises Martha has passed out. Robbie desperately tries to rouse her awake, but Martha remains limp, slumped across him. Robbie: Stay with me, Martha! Stay with me! Just a few more hours! He calls over to Colin to help him, but gets no response; Colin too, is slumped next to Belle. Alone, and frantic, Robbie screams out to the surrounding bush: Somebody help me! Help…!