Episode 4237

Australian Air Date: 25th July 2006
UK Air Date: 21st November 2006
Writer: Katrina Foster
Director: Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Cat No: HAW5-367

Sally and Belle fight for their lives as they remain trapped in the burning school. Matilda’s problem reaches a dramatic crisis-point.

Extended Summary

Cassie is panicked to the core, knowing Sally is in the burning school, looking for Belle. Lucas, Tony and Matilda try to calm her – to little effect. In the building, Belle bangs on the door for help as Sally realises the phone line is down. They try again to open the door, still screaming out as smoke fills the room… Belle breaks down, apologising to Sally – but she’s too busy blocking the gap under the door to stop the smoke. Outside, Cassie is still freaking out to the point that she runs to the building, wanting to help. The others try to stop her, to no avail, but Tony sees her, chases her down and succeeds, but not without a struggle. Brad arrives through the crowd, Tony fills him in on the situation and Brad bolts into the building! He bursts through the door, immediately hit with a wall of smoke – he coughs and splutters his way through, but can’t see the girls anywhere. He takes a moment to get his bearings, then races past the door to the principal’s office, right past where the girls are trapped! Smoke continues to fill the office – Belle tries the windows, but they don’t open. Sally drops to her knees coughing and wheezing. Belle rushes to her side. All eyes remain trained on the building as smoke continues to waft from the roof. There are now three people inside and no sign of any of them emerging! Brad continues to search inside for Belle and Sally – he’s choked by the smoke and stumbles along. He passes the door to the office again! He faintly hears Belle screaming through the noise of the fire. Brad follows the screams – then races to the door. On the other side, Belle beats against the door – she screams for him to hurry! Brad tells her to stand back as he shoulder charges the door until it bursts open. Brad races to Sally, picks her up in his arms, then gives Belle instructions on how they can escape. Finally they emerge from the building – the others race over. Mattie and Lucas tend to Belle, while Brad lays the lifeless Sally on the ground and commences CPR as a very frightened Cassie watches on – screaming for Sal to wake up! Sally eventually starts to cough and splutter – phew! The Mystery Voyeur is again watching on in the distance…

At the Hospital, Brad and Cass are in the corridor when Irene rushes in. The Doctor explains that both Belle and Sally will be fine – smoke inhalation and dehydrated. Lucky! They move in to see them – Belle apologises to Brad and Sal for putting them in that position. Sally thanks Brad – she jokes that he’s playing quite the hero of late. At the school, Dave the young fireman is chatting with Jack and Rice about the damage – it’s all come from the wiring in the roof, but no structural damage. Tony moves off to look after the kids when Rice discovers an accelerant – this fire was deliberately lit!! The Police discover that the fire began in the manhole over the science block – it was started for chaos rather than to burn the place down. But, why? Who? Jack wants to find out fast, before they strike again – the culprit is obviously holding a serious grudge against the school and its occupants! Amanda races in to the hospital to check on Belle and has a go at Irene for not calling her! Irene tries to defend herself, but Amanda insists that she have time along with her daughter. Irene moves out, knowing this is just the beginning… Belle explains what happened as Amanda asks what she was doing in the office? Belle explains she was gathering info on the opposition (Cassie) as she suggested. Amanda has to go, but she suggests Ric sit with Belle so she isn’t alone, a glint in her eye – Ric has no choice. Amanda smiles at the pair as she heads off! Belle pulls the emotional ticket and starts to cry, hoping Ric will comfort her. He holds her, not knowing what to do and as Belle grips tightly to the embrace, we see over Ric’s shoulder, her expression broadens into a small smile. Bingo… She really is her mother’s daughter!

Sally’s still with Brad in the corridor. She’s filled him in about the investigation, relaying her total shock at why anyone would deliberately target the school. Then she reiterates her thanks to him for being there today. She mentions how scared Cassie and Ric were, and talk turns to Flynn – they’ve already lost one parent. Brad: He was your husband, right? (It’s clearly been mentioned briefly before). There’s some discussion about Flynn; the kind of person he was and Sally reveals that he died of Cancer… As soon as she says this, Brad’s hackles go up. It’s a weird about-face and Sally is bemused as he quickly makes an excuse to go. She calls after him – ‘Brad…?’ – but he keeps going. Sally’s left completely taken aback by his behaviour. What just happened?

Off-screen, the toilet flushes. Then Matilda soon emerges, coughing and spluttering deeply – her throat really irritated now. The coughing becomes increasingly worse, almost like a whooping cough type sound… She puts a tissue to her mouth…and then sees that she’s coughing up blood! Oh no, she’s seriously in trouble…!