UK Air Date: 23rd November 2006
Writer: Margaret Wilson
Director: Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Cat No: HAW5-369
Rachel learns the truth about Kim and Kit’s passionate liaison. Brad goes to great lengths to protect his shocking secret. Dan races against the clock to stop Drew leaving the Bay.
Extended Summary
Brad is on his phone talking to an unknown caller “No, I haven’t told her yet. I haven’t found the right time…” He continues walking up the beach – who is he talking to? Meanwhile, Sally is commenting to Rachel on how strangely Brad has been behaving. Sally was telling him about Flynn passing away from cancer when he shut off. Rachel says she’ll try and find out what the problem is. Later that day, Brad arrives and tells Rachel that he’s going to head back to the city – she takes the opportunity to dig about the Sally situation, wondering if it’s why he’s decided to leave. He clams up, but denies there’s any connection. It’s obvious to Rachel that he’s hiding something. Sally’s on her way out of the Diner when she passes Brad – he’s a little awkward but she tries her best to smooth things over with a joke. He forces a smile and explains he’s heading back to the city. Sally is confused by his tone – they were getting along so well for a while there, now he’s talking to her as though she were a passing acquaintance… Later that day, Brad says goodbye to Rachel before heading off – she assures him he can visit whenever he likes, but he’s keen to get going.
Dan is disappointed at his latest run in with Drew – he must have said something to upset the kid – why else would he have run off like that? Then Matilda appears and shows Dan and Leah the damaged memorial plaque of Peter’s that she found on the beach – all are shocked and deeply saddened. Dan finds Drew on the beach and calmly asks why he did this? Drew says the plaque was stupid and pointless, ignoring Dan when he explains that Peter meant a lot to many people, the plaque was important. Drew shrugs it off and keeps moving. Dan arrives home and fills Leah in on his chat with Drew – he almost seemed proud of it. Leah tries to support Dan as Drew turns up – he doesn’t want to talk about it. Dan grabs him to haul him back and Drew reacts, swinging hard and smacking Dan hard in the face. Dan decided to go for a walk to clear his mind. Dan arrives home and learns of Drew’s departure – maybe it’s best he’s left… Leah urges Dan to look at this from Drew’s perspective: Dan rocked up to his school, told him his Dad died and that he was his long lost uncle and that he couldn’t stay at the boarding school any more. It’s a lot of change for the kid. With this in mind, Dan heads out to look for Drew. He finds him trying to hitch a ride out of town and Dan pulls over. He tells Drew how Ryan and VJ have loved having a big brother and he and Leah have enjoyed having him around too. Drew hesitates before putting his bags into Dan’s car. He later offers Leah and Dan some money to go toward repairing the plaque – Dan and Leah share a smile…
Beth and Kit are discussing how sick Matilda has been for so long, when Rachel enters. Kit’s behaviour changes immediately – Rachel does Kit’s final check for her so she can leave. Beth notices the tension from Kit, wondering what’s going on… As Rachel finishes up and moves out, Beth asks Kit if there’s something wrong? Kit plays dumb, assuring her all is okay. Leaving the hospital, Kit and Beth run into Rachel again and then Kim appears and Kit can’t hide her awkwardness as she and Beth move off. Rachel turns to Kim, suggesting they have Kit over for dinner – she seemed quiet earlier. Kim hides his nervousness, he feels terrible about the secrets he’s keeping from Rachel. Beth asks Kit if anything happened between her and Kim in the bush – Kit’s silence answers her question. Kit tells her mum what happened, but is certain that it won’t happen again – it was purely for comfort out there. Beth warns her from keeping such a secret, it’s dangerous – but Kim doesn’t want Rachel to know, so is respecting of that. At the hospital, Rachel suggests Kim go to the counselling session Dan is running, with Kit. Again, Kim reacts oddly and Rachel calls him on it – every time she’s mentioned Kit, Kim’s gone all weird. Kim covers, reassuring her that there’s nothing to worry about. Kit and Kim head into the group counselling session, as Rachel comments to Beth about the special bond Kim and Kit share. Beth is close to saying something, but doesn’t, yet it’s enough to make Rachel suss… She calls Kim later and subtly enquires about him and Kit. Kim makes a big effort to put her mind at rest, then gets off the phone and tells Kit that he thinks Rachel is onto them. As they continue to discuss what happened, we see that Rachel and Kim didn’t hang up properly from their previous call. Rachel listens in and learns that Kim and Kit slept together! She stares down at the phone in shock!