Episode 4242

Australian Air Date: 1st August 2006
UK Air Date: 28th November 2006
Writer: Daniel Widdowson
Director: Geoff Bennett
Cat No: HAW5-372

Drew angrily denies the allegation that he’s the pyromaniac. Cassie is devastated to find Ric and Belle in a compromising position.

Extended Summary

Drew is surviving his first day at Summer Bay High. In particular, he is occupying his time keeping an eye on Belle. Cassie approaches with the offer to help Drew catch up on his work, much to Dan’s appreciation. Suddenly, all eyes are on Jack as he makes his way down the corridor to Drew. Jack reluctantly tells Drew they need to take him to the station for questioning. Uh-oh, the new guy at school has just become centre of attention for all the wrong reasons! Down at the station, Drew pleads his innocence. Jack produces the watch they found at the crime scene and there is little more Dan can say in Drew’s defence. Drew admits the watch belongs to him, however, he lost it yesterday. As much as they want to believe him, the evidence is piling up and things aren’t looking good for Drew. Drew arrives home, frustrated that he is being repeatedly accused by the police. Dan can’t help but question Drew about the soot he noticed on his shirt yesterday. Drew is gutted that not even Dan trusts him. Leah gives chase as Drew storms off, leaving Dan kicking himself for opening his big mouth. Drew storms up the grassy knoll, lashing out at anything in sight. In the distance he spots a car and after checking the coast is clear, he moves to it and attempts to break in. Suddenly, Drew is interrupted by a furious voice behind him. Drew spins around and comes face-to-face with one very angry Ric. Busted!!!

Having finished finalising preparations for the party with Amanda, Belle is on her way home. She is consumed by thoughts of how she can keep Cassie away from Ric during the party so that she can put her plan in to action. Belle is pulled up short by the sight of Drew and Ric having a heated argument. Belle watches on curiously, before Leah races to the guys and splits up the debate before it gets out of hand. Belle watches as they all go their separate ways in a huff. She smiles to herself as an idea forms – uh-oh what is she up to now? Drew’s venting his frustrations on the beach when Belle approaches, this time she is much more civilised towards him. Eventually, Drew opens up to Belle, admitting that he hates Summer Bay and everyone in it – what’s the point in being Mr Nice Guy? Belle insists playing goodie two shoes will get him anything he wants and slowly she steers the conversation to the idea of getting revenge on Ric. Drew is curious as Belle starts to fill him in on her plan.

Cassie is in the Diner when Drew approaches – he would like to take her up on her offer to study. Cassie points out she has Belle’s party to attend but is sure she can go late and sacrifice a few hours to help him catch up on his school work. Belle is ecstatic their plan has reeled Cassie in, hook, line and sinker. Whilst Cassie is with Drew, Belle will have Ric to herself to get exactly what she wants!

It’s getting close to party time and Belle emerges looking somewhat trashy in her new outfit. Her smile suggests she feels like a million bucks but when Irene spots her, her eyes almost pop out of her head. No guessing as to who helped her pick those clothes! Irene reluctantly wishes her a good night but everything in her gut is telling her Belle is being led up the wrong path by Amanda. The music’s pumping as Belle arrives at her party – everyone is having a good time. Ric is overwhelmed by Belle’s new provocative dress sense, as Belle smiles to herself, knowing she’s reeling him in. Amanda kicks her part of the plan in to action and offers Ric a drink – little does he know it’s double strength! Amanda gives a few encouraging words to Belle and insists that once Ric has a few drinks in him, he will be putty in her hands!

Meanwhile, Cassie and Drew have their head in the books studying – so far his plan is working. Time ticks by and Cassie decides to leave for the party. Drew follows, hoping all is going well back at the party! Belle is well and truly working her flirty magic on Ric, as Amanda continues to ply him full of alcohol. Amanda struggles to off load a hormone-fuelled teenager who is practically drooling over her – he can’t believe she’s old enough to be Belle’s Mum! Belle encourages Ric to get up and dance. At first he is slightly dubious of her intentions, but she calls his bluff and insists she’s not trying to crack on to him. In no time, she’s all over him but Ric’s too paralytic to recognise what Belle is up to. Whilst all this is going on, Cassie and Drew arrive at the party. Amanda smiles to herself as Cassie begins looking for Ric – it’s showtime! Amanda points Cassie in Ric’s direction but as Cassie rounds the corner, she is stunned by the sight of Belle pressed up against Ric, kissing his neck! Uh-oh – busted!!