UK Air Date: 13th December 2006
Writer: Sarah Walker
Director: Mark Piper
Cat No: HAW5-383
Brad struggles to come to terms with Emily’s illness. Amanda is hurt when she discovers Belle has played her for a fool. Belle and Drew’s steamy relationship heats up.
Extended Summary
It’s early morning and Leah and Dan are surprised to find Drew already up and at ’em. Dan reminds Drew of his bail check at the Police Station but Drew insists he is heading for a swim first. Leah and Dan are curious as to what else is putting a spring in his step but then Belle arrives and moves over to Drew, planting a big kiss on his lips. Leah and Dan are surprised they are together – but that explains why Drew’s so happy!
Down at the Diner, Irene is mutually as shocked when Leah briefs her on the news that Drew and Belle are ‘an item’! Dan, however, is pleased to see Drew looking so positive for a change. Ric and Cassie overhear the conversation and Ric makes a quick excuse to move off, leaving Cassie wondering about Ric’s strange reaction – is he jealous of Belle and Drew? Colleen tottles out of the kitchen with some takeaway brekkie for Brad. Much to Brad’s surprise, Colleen offers her condolences about Emily. He heads back upstairs and remains quiet until Emily questions his mood. Brad over reacts to the fact Emily is telling people about her illness – he believes it’s their business, not the whole towns. Emily insists people should know and Brad needs to stop ignoring the inevitable.
The school bell rings and whilst the students file off into class, Belle and Drew are busy playing tonsil hockey in the corridor. Cassie walks by, disgusted by the show, before Dan moves in and pries them off each other. Sally approaches Brad to talk to him about how he is dealing with Emily’s illness. Sally reveals that Emily sent her because she is concerned that he is in denial. Brad becomes angry and Sally moves off – not wanting to push him too far. Once he is alone, his bravado falls and it’s clear he’s not dealing with things as well as he’d have everyone believe.
Belle arrives home for lunch and puts the heavy on Amanda to let Drew stay the night. Amanda baulks at the request but Belle knows how to pull the strings, insisting that she is so much cooler than Irene. Amanda falls for the act, hook, line and sinker. Belle gives Amanda a big hug – insisting she’s the best Mum ever! Belle races into the Diner to give Drew the good news, but Irene overhears and insists it will only happen over her dead body! Belle says it’s not up to her anymore and moves off. Still on a high from Belle’s compliments that she is a far better parent than Irene, Amanda arrives at the Diner. Irene jumps into attack but Amanda fires back with some bitchy comments and storms out, leaving Irene seething once again.
There’s a loud knock at the door and Amanda is shocked to come face-to-face with one very unhappy Dan. He’s caught wind of Amanda’s decision to let Drew stay over the night. Amanda defends her decision but when Dan points out that Belle told her everything she wanted to hear, Amanda realises she’s been played. She’s hurt that Belle would manipulate her like that and knows she must do something about it quick smart. Belle and Drew arrive home from school and in no time, things get hot and heavy. They spring apart as Amanda walks in and catches them out. Amanda breaks the news she’s decided that she does not want Drew staying over. Belle is gobsmacked, not to mention totally embarrassed. Belle lays on the guilt trip for a few hours – but Amanda is not backing down and heads off to bed. Once out of sight, Belle receives a message on her phone. A smile breaks across her face as she moves quietly towards the front door and there is Drew, waiting to come in. Hand-in-hand they sneak upstairs, satisfied they got their own way after all!
Brad is wide awake when Emily approaches, wondering why he’s not in bed. Brad’s mind is working overtime and Emily knows they must sort this out. Emily makes a heartfelt plea that they have to fight this together and with each other’s love and support they will find the strength to make it through. Brad finally let’s go of his emotions and breaks down in tears.