Episode 4254

Australian Air Date: 17th August 2006
UK Air Date: 14th December 2006
Writer: Lisa Williams
Director: Mark Piper
Cat No: HAW5-384

Belle defies the law in a final attempt to prove Drew’s innocence. Rachel continues to feel insecure in her relationship with Kim, as his friendship with Tara intensifies.

Extended Summary

Leah and Dan are preparing themselves for a busy morning. Dan yells out to Drew to get out of bed – it’s time to go to the Police station for his bail check – but there’s no answer. Dan opens Drew’s bedroom door, only to discover his bed hasn’t been slept in. Drew hasn’t been home and there’s no two guesses where he’s been! Meanwhile, Drew is frantically putting his clothes on, he’s overslept and is due at the station. His panic doubles when he spots Amanda in the kitchen. Amanda spots Belle and makes a comment of some strange noises that woke her up in the night – uh-oh – are they about to be busted?! Belle quickly makes an excuse and when Amanda’s back is turned, she shoves Drew out the door, planting a big kiss on him as he goes. Whoa, that was close!!

Drew races home and is met with an angry Dan. Drew is defensive but Dan doesn’t want to hear it – they’re already late for Drew’s bail check. Down at the Police station, Drew cops another earful from McGrath, who reiterates the seriousness of being on time for his bail checks. Once they are back home, Dan infuriates Drew even more when he comments on the fact his ‘Mr Nice Guy’ routine has all been for show and now Drew is showing his true colours. The argument becomes so heated that the guys are about to exchange blows when Leah storms in and breaks them up.

Kim is working at the gym when Tara arrives. It’s a quiet morning and Tara finds a way to spend some one on one quality time with Kim. Kim assists her with a move that leaves them in very close proximity. Tara continues to flirt her heart out and Kim goes along with it, thinking it’s all a bit of harmless fun. Unbeknownst to Kim, Rachel arrives to remind Kim they are meant to be meeting for some wedding planning. She is stopped dead in her tracks by the sight of Tara and Kim flirting. Rachel is unsettled by the sight but does her best to cover her awkward feeling. Later, they meet to discuss the wedding but one thing leads to another and an argument erupts.

Kim realises that Rachel is lacking trust in him – and if they can’t trust each other – then why are they getting married? Kim storms off, leaving Rachel wondering how things have all become so disastrous. Still fired up following their argument, Kim bumps into Tara at the Diner. Still flirting away, she invites him to stay for a drink. In no time, the two are hitting it off and having a good time. Are Rachel’s doubts about to be confirmed?

Amanda is still discussing the strange noises she heard last night, as Belle does her best to cover. Dan arrives and fills Amanda in on the fact Drew stayed the night – which is news to her ears! Belle bounds down the stairs, ready for school but once she comes face-to-face with Amanda – she’s knows she’s just been busted! Amanda expresses her hurt that Belle lied to her but Belle insists it will never happen again! At first, Amanda gives in and accepts Belle’s promise she will never do it again. But following further chats with Dan, who is having similar
problems disciplining Drew, she realises she must put her foot down.

Belle later arrives home from school and is outraged when Amanda tells her she’s grounded. Belle has a hissy fit, insisting this is how Irene would act but Amanda is firm, refusing to allow Belle to manipulate her again. Amanda moves off to have a soak in the bath, when shortly after there’s a knock at the door. Belle’s excited to discover Drew standing there. He figures the both of them are already in trouble – what difference does it make if they get busted again! Drew talks of how much he would love to leave Summer Bay with Belle – but can’t unless his charges are dropped. Unbeknownst to Drew, Belle is struck with an idea…maybe there is a way out!

Belle sneaks into the gym and places some towels in a stack, before dousing them in the same accelerant the pyro has used. She takes a deep breath, before pulling out a box of matches – uh-oh – Belle’s about to start a fire!!