UK Air Date: 18th December 2006
Writer: Christopher Gist
Director: Scott Hartford Davis
Cat No: HAW5-386
Kim protests his innocence in the wake of Tara’s vicious sexual assault allegations. Tasha reveals a heartbreaking secret as the birth of her baby looms.
Extended Summary
Fitzgerald is listing the allegations made by Tara against Kim, who is quick to deny it all outright. He begs Jack to believe him and to do something – but he can’t take sides here. Why would Tara make this up? Kim guesses she is upset about him rejecting her – what kind of 18 year old would go to these lengths? Jack informs Kim that Tara’s only fifteen – Kim is reeling, this is much worse than he thought as Rachel waits nervously outside for some news. Jack gets a moment alone with Kim and tells him he believes he didn’t do it – but making this go away won’t be easy as Tara’s father, Gordon is driving this whole thing and he’s the new district Superintendent and Tara is daddy’s little girl! The truth may not matter with this one… Fitzgerald returns to report that Tara is returning to make another statement – Kim hopes she has changed her mind, in the meantime Kim is allowed to go. Rachel runs to him – Kim’s standoffish with her and as they leave they pass Tara and Gordon. Kim asks her why she’s doing this to him – but Gordon is quick to shield his daughter past Kim. He fills Rachel in on the details – she thinks it’s ridiculous! She tries to touch Kim, but he pulls back – he thinks Rachel believes he did this to Tara. She hesitates before disagreeing with him, infuriating him further as he storms off. Back at the Station, Tara plays little miss innocent and vulnerable, stating that Kim threatened to make her life a living hell if she spoke of their time together. She cries as Jack finds it hard to hide his disbelief, which Gordon clocks, before pointing out that his daughter is the victim here and Kim needs to be punished, before Tara is taken to hospital for ‘testing’ to prove if anything ‘occurred’.
Rachel finds Kim at the beach and apologises for upsetting him – she believes he’s innocent and makes him look her in the eye and declares her love and trust of him. She promises that she’ll stand by his side no matter what happens. They take comfort in on another’s arms. Meanwhile, Jack tells Fitzgerald that he thinks Kim is innocent – Tara is manipulating her father for payback on Kim. Fitzgerald reminds him that his personal view can’t come into it – all they can use is facts – which right now, don’t look good for Kim. Jack gets home and advises Kim to get a good lawyer – it’s not looking good. Kim discusses the case with Morag – she doesn’t think it’ll be easy, but insists that the truth will prevail, while disaster strikes as Tara’s hospital tests go missing from the hospital! Jack and Fitzgerald investigate and discover her file, with no documents, in Rachel Armstrong’s drawer! Tara’s father immediately claims that Rachel got rid of the results to protect Kim – but Jack doesn’t buy it – why would she keep the empty file? Tara acts suspiciously, but claims she had nothing to do with it and again her father jumps to her defence… Rachel is infuriated to hear what’s happened, but has to admit to having been at hospital today on her rostered day off… Jack apologises as he charges Kim with indecent assault of a minor and reads him his rights!!
Tasha lies in her hospital bed, looking troubled as she is examined by Dr Price. Her placenta has moved up, so the delivery of the baby will be a natural one. Despite the good news, Tasha is still really down. Martha arrives to visit and soon clocks her friend’s mood. It takes a while, but Martha drags it out of her and Tasha reveals that she doesn’t want the baby! She hates feeling this way – but just doesn’t love it. The whole experience has been traumatic from the start with The Believers, despite Robbie’s excitement, she just can’t get into the idea and it makes her feel like a horrid person. She breaks down in Martha’s arms… Tasha won’t tell Robbie she feels like this – or anyone else – and wants Martha to keep it to herself, who agrees as long as she discusses it with her so it doesn’t destroy Tasha. That night, as Robbie sleeps in the chair beside her, Tasha smiles at realising how lucky she is to have Robbie – he’s the sweetest guy. He wakes and she tells him how much she loves him and that her life wouldn’t be the same without him in it. Robbie is surprised by her intensity for this hour – yet is moved by it and tells her how proud he is of her. Then suddenly Tasha begins to cramp. It’s a contraction! Robbie summons Dr Price and stays by her side. Dr Price soon arrives and performs an examination, reporting that Tasha is beginning to dilate and is in labour! The baby is the right size, despite being early at 35 weeks. Tasha is full of fear, nerves an anticipation as Dr Price confirms that this is it – the baby is coming!