Episode 4257

Australian Air Date: 22nd August 2006
UK Air Date: 19th December 2006
Writer: Felicity Packard
Director: Scott Hartford Davis
Cat No: HAW5-387

Tasha’s rushed in for emergency surgery as her baby makes a dramatic entrance into the world, and Kim’s world continues to fall apart as Tara’s lies take hold.

Extended Summary

Dr Ridley checks over Tasha as Robbie, Irene and Martha come in. She’s hit with another contraction when Robbie is out getting a drink and Tasha talks with Martha, hoping that she’ll feel differently once the baby arrives. Tasha knows it will all work out because she has Robbie – he’s her rock. Later, Robbie tries to coach Tasha through breathing exercises, she isn’t into it – but wants them all to stay – they could be here all night! Robbie soon notices that Tasha is leaking! Irene corrects him – her waters have broken! Dr Ridley examines Tasha again and reports that the baby is going to take it’s time. Tasha’s contractions continue for some time with various moments of Robbie and the others doing their best to comfort her through the labour. Tasha continues, weak and exhausted, to have contractions.

Dr Ridley sees the baby’s head as Tasha starts to cry with exhausted frustration, when Robbie takes her hand, looks into her eyes and tells her how strong and amazing she is and that she can do this. Finding strength in Robbie’s words, Tasha manages to give one final push and the baby is born – it’s a little girl! Tears and relief as the baby is wrapped and handed to her and Robbie, Irene and Martha look down at the little girl in her arms! All are congratulating her on a good job, but, as she feared, she feels numb and emotionless when looking at her baby. She is saved by the ante-natal team needing to do a check up on the bub. Martha asks how she’s feeling and Tasha covers saying she was right – holding the baby changed everything.

Tasha’s quiet and withdrawn mood is put down to post-labour as Irene and Martha head off. Robbie is nearly in tears at how proud he is of Tasha – but it just makes her feel more guilty. Robbie suggests the name ‘Ella’ – he’s always liked that name and Tasha doesn’t disagree – Ella it is. Dr Ridley brings Ella in – Robbie is all over the bub, but again, Tasha looks across from her bed, full of self hatred. Martha returns later in the night to report that the family will be in first thing tomorrow as Robbie tells her how this baby is the turn around for them all after a string of drama with the believers, graham’s death and the explosion. This as we return to Tasha staring stony faced at little Ella. The gang arrive to meet the new baby as Tasha forces happiness. As Robbie heads out to grab a coffee, he runs into Rice. They need him to come to the Station in relation to the death of Graham Walters! Robbie panics as his past returns…

Jack informs Kim that he can’t leave the district until his indecent assault trial and apologises, he didn’t want to see Kim end up in this position. Morag and Rachel are outraged – it’s just Tara’s word against Kim’s and Tara’s father has them over a barrel! Morag will see what she can do… Later, Rachel is trying to comfort Kim as he fumes with anger, worried about word getting out – as a news story comes over the radio about Kim’s indecent assault of a minor and ties in Barry Hyde’s trial for manslaughter!

It doesn’t take long before gym memberships start getting cancelled – this is exactly what Kim was dreading! Even if he’s cleared of the offence, the reputation will still linger – he’s stuffed either way! That night, Colleen pays Kim a visit, saying she doesn’t care what the radio or Tara say – he’s still her trainer! Kim’s touched by the gesture, but completely thrown as Amanda turns up and explains that Josh West bought the Gym when he was Mayor, so now Amanda is Kim’s boss. She hates to do this to him, but has no choice other than to fire him in light of all that’s going on!

Kim and Rachel are reeling – this is outrageous and the last thing Kim needs. Amanda’s sorry – but business is business and memberships are dropping at an alarming rate… Kim and Rachel plea for her to reconsider, but Amanda stays firm. She wishes it could be another way – but her decision is final. Amanda heads off, leaving Kim shaking his head in defeat. Things have gone from bad to worse and there’s not a damn thing Kim can do about it.