UK Air Date: 26th December 2006
Writer: Jason Herbison
Director: Cameron Welsh
Cat No: HAW5-392
Rachel is shocked by Kim’s decision to leave the Bay. Drew is caught in a compromising position with a naked Amanda. The hunt for the pyromaniac continues when Drew is cleared of his charges.
Extended Summary
Rachel apologises to Kim for stirring the pot, but Kim appreciates her support nonetheless. Rachel is frustrated she couldn’t change Tara’s mind. Their conversation is interrupted by a knock at the door and both are wary when they find it’s Constable Rice. Rice reluctantly delivers the bad news that Tara has put a restraining order on Rachel. Rachel is utterly outraged. Kim tries to calm her down, insisting Morag will do all she can to take care of it but Rachel is devastated – she’s made the whole situation worse. Later, at the Surf Club, Rachel expresses her concern to Tony and Alf that the whole Tara situation is taking its toll on Kim. Rachel moves off, leaving Alf and Tony to discuss the Gym. Tony is feeling out of depth in his new job as manager and wishes it would be so much easier if Kim was there to help.
Rachel is heading home when she busts two teenagers in the front yard, poised with graffiti cans, ready to get creative on the side of their house. Rachel is devastated when she discovers the absurdities they’d planned to write and she yells at them to get the hell off her property. Kim is none the wiser to the situation but Rachel is struggling to cope – things are rapidly spiralling out of control. Tony arrives and admits he is struggling with his work load at the Gym and is wondering if Kim will lend him a hand. Kim is surprised and his spirits are temporarily buoyed by the offer.
Rachel is discussing with Colleen and Leah the situation she encountered with the two kids trying to graffiti her house. Rachel says there’s a bit of light at the end of the tunnel now that Tony has offered Kim a job at the gym. Colleen pipes up and says she about to tootle off for her aerobic class. At that moment, Colleen’s bowls friend, Betty, arrives – and begins to gossip about Kim. Colleen jumps in and defends Kim – shaking her head in disbelief that that Betty gossips so much she’s worse than Madge Wilkins! Meanwhile, down at the Gym, Tony and Kim are preparing for Colleen’s class. Kim quickly picks up the vibe that everyone has turned against him. And when Colleen is the only one who turns up for class, it’s a sickening confirmation for Kim. Colleen gets a case of foot in mouth syndrome and reveals Rachel had to chase away the kids. Kim is confused – what kids? Shortly after, Amanda arrives and is shocked to find Kim is working there again. Amanda makes it loud and clear that he is not welcome – it’s because of him that business is so bad! Tony tries to defend him but Kim moves off, completely defeated. Once home, Kim questions Rachel on the graffiti incident. Rachel tries to comfort him but Kim is certain the whole town is against him. Especially after seeing what his father endured when he was accused of Josh’s murder. Rachel is stunned as Kim drops the bombshell that he wants to leave the Bay for good!
Drew arrives at the diner, happy as Larry after his first day on the job as Amanda’s gardener. Dan is pleased Amanda’s plan is working, despite his earlier reservations. Drew offers Dan and Leah some board money, much to their surprise, but Leah insists he keep the money for a rainy day. Suddenly, Drew remembers he’s forgotten to turn on the sprinklers at Amanda’s house and races off to do so. He moves inside the garden shed and switches on the sprinklers – phew that was close! Suddenly, Amanda emerges from the house, ready for a swim and Drew is left no other choice but to stay concealed in the shed. He’s about to call out to her but his eyes pop out of his head when he looks over to Amanda, who has dropped her robe and dives into the pool stark naked! Drew waits patiently for a chance to escape but Amanda proceeds to sun bathe nude. It’s a getting a bit too much for poor Drew – he’s got to get out of there! Suddenly, Drew’s mobile rings. Amanda hears it but Colleen’s arrival saves the day. The two ladies disappear inside and Drew makes his escape. Meanwhile, Jack and Rice have been called to the scene of yet another fire. Dave the fireman confirms the accelerant is the same used for all the other fires – this is definitely the work of the pyro! Jack and Rice look to one another, knowing exactly who they must now have a chat with…
Drew races into the Diner, flustered after the fiasco at Amanda’s house. Jack arrives and approaches Drew – just the man he’s looking for. Jack questions Drew’s whereabouts in the last few hours – there has been another fire. Drew is stricken as he realises he’s damned if he’s caught for perving but accused for the fire if he doesn’t. Once at Amanda’s House, Drew freezes as he admits his whereabouts. Amanda is irate as she realises Drew was watching her from the garden shed. As embarrassing as it is for Drew, he is relieved he has proof he didn’t light the fire. Jack reveals that all charges have been dropped – Drew is not the pyro! Back at the station, Jack is pondering over the fact they are now back to square one with their investigation. The pyro is still out there – and who knows what they have planned next!