UK Air Date: 28th December 2006
Writer: Sam Meikle
Director: Cameron Welsh
Cat No: HAW5-394
Brad finally breaks down as he comes to terms with Emily’s deteriorating health. Macca is stunned when he discovers Cassie still has feelings for him. Tasha returns home with Baby Ella – but is she coping with being a Mum?
Extended Summary
Brad is stunned by the bad news Emily has just delivered. Brad can’t believe Emily deliberately kept this from him and when he learns Sally has known all along, he reacts in anger. Sally tries to intercept but Brad fires back and yells at her to stay the hell out of their business, before storming out. Sally chases after him trying to offer an explanation. She is stunned as Brad accuses her of robbing precious time with Emily and how would she have felt if someone deprived her of that time with Flynn when he was dying? Brad reiterates it’s time she butted out and storms off, leaving Sally feeling completely helpless. Distressed, Sally returns to the house, where Emily is waiting but reports back that things didn’t go down well with Brad. Emily apologises for putting Sally in this position and realises she should have told Brad the truth right from the beginning. Emily feels she has to go after him, but despite Sally’s advice to stay rested, Emily moves off. Sally feels terrible for the way things have unfolded. She moves across to a photo of Flynn and it’s clear the situation is taking it’s toll. Emily eventually tracks Brad down in the Surf Club. Emily stresses she was trying to protect him, not make matters worse. Brad begins to soften and understands why she did it but reiterates that every minute he spends with her is so precious. Brad struggles to keep his emotions in check, as the loving couple embrace, determined to deal with this together. Back at home, Sally switches off a video when Alf arrives, but he has seen it’s the video Flynn made her before he died. Alf offers some comfort and Sally confides how much the situation with Brad and Emily is stirring up her memories of Flynn. Alf takes Sally in his arms, as she is overwhelmed by her emotions. Emily later approaches Sally with a plea to talk to Brad, given she knows exactly what he’s going through. Sally is wary, given Brad’s earlier outburst but agrees to give it a shot. Sally tracks down Brad at the boat wharf. He is pondering on what lies ahead for him and Emily. Brad offers Sally an apology and asks how she coped with things when Flynn was sick. Sally offers advice and puts her arm around him. It’s all it takes for Brad to break down in tears as he struggles to cope with the fear of what lies ahead for him and Emily.
Cassie and Ric are in the Diner when Macca arrives. Suddenly, Cassie’s behaviour shifts and she is particular flirty with Ric. It’s seems forced and when Ric comments on it, Cassie covers with the excuse she is just in a good mood. Ric later questions Cassie if her change in mood had anything to do with Macca. Cassie insists that even if Macca felt something for her, the feeling is not mutual – so there’s nothing to worry about. Later, Cassie spots Amanda and Macca in the Diner. They are clearly getting on well and Cassie assumes there’s more than meets the eye. Macca later approaches and begins to suspect Cassie is jealous. Although Cassie is not willing to admit it, Macca is stunned as he realises she still has feelings for him.
Robbie and Beth make the final preparations for Tasha and Ella’s return home. Beth can see that Robbie is feeling nervous and the pending court case is playing in the back of his mind. Little Ella and Tasha finally arrive home and there’s a buzz of excitement for everyone – except Tasha, who remains a little overwhelmed by the whole thing. It’s time for little Ella to be changed and Robbie jumps to the rescue but Tasha’s hesitation hasn’t gone unnoticed by Martha. As things start to settle down, Morag arrives to discuss the court case with Robbie. The intense talk is interrupted by Ella’s crying. Tasha ignores it for as long as she can, before Martha moves off to check on the baby. Her concerns are growing that Tasha is not handling things as well as she’d have the others believe. Talk continues about the court case and all are aware of the mammoth task ahead of proving Robbie’s innocence. There is a knock at the door and Robbie is instantly on edge to come face-to-face with Amanda. Amanda heard along the grapevine about the case and Robbie braces himself for the worst. Surprisingly, however, Amanda expresses her support and understands he had his grandfather’s best interests at heart. Robbie can see Amanda is being genuine and appreciates her support. Later, Martha moves off to the bedroom to check on Tasha but she is concerned when she finds Tasha staring at the baby, emotionless. Martha encourages Tasha to talk about things – she knows there’s something wrong. Tasha eventually admits she feels guilty for feeling no connection with Ella. Tasha bursts in to tears – unable to cope with the fact she doesn’t love her baby and the feeling she is a terrible mother.