Episode 4272

Australian Air Date: 12th September 2006
UK Air Date: 9th January 2007
Writer: Sandy Webster
Director: Geoff Bennett
Cat No: HAW5-402

Amanda is shocked when Drew admits he’s attracted to her. Jack realises his marriage is in trouble, and Lucas is stunned when he finally discovers Dean’s secret.

Extended Summary

Drew remains unconscious on the ground and there is not a single soul in sight. Meanwhile, Jack is telling Harper they must warn Drew he may be in trouble but little do they know, it’s too late. Jack is just about to head out of the Station when he crosses with Martha. Jack apologises for being caught up at work and insists Martha head home and crack open a bottle of wine – he will be home soon. Martha is clearly disappointed, this keeps happening and her frustrations are only just being kept under wraps.

Amanda and Belle are at the Diner picking up some takeaway when Jack comes in, searching for Drew. Leah and Dan are on alert as Jack fills them in that Drew may be in danger. Amanda and Belle on their way home when they hear a pained groan. Amanda rushes towards a figure lying on the ground and is shocked to discover it’s Drew. Belle races to the Diner to get help as Amanda does all she can to comfort Drew. Jack, Leah and Dan race to the rescue and Drew is taken to hospital. Jack and Harper begin their questioning as Drew is tended to. Drew is stunned to hear he is being targeted but he remains strong, insisting he won’t let some thug intimidate him. Drew suggests the only person he can think would be after him is Dean. Amanda arrives and Drew is grateful for her help. She reaches out and touches his arm in a comforting gesture but Drew flinches. Although, it goes unnoticed by the others in the room, Amanda is slightly thrown by Drew’s odd reaction.

Lucas is sitting in the dark alone when Beth, Tony and Matilda arrive home. He is happy to see Matilda but his mood turns sour when he realises Dean is in tow. With Drew’s situation in mind, Lucas rips into Dean for hurting Drew. Dean and the others are shocked by Lucas’s outburst but when Tony tries to calm him down, Lucas storms off, leaving Dean very rattled. Later, Matilda confronts Lucas and demands that his attack on Dean come to an end. But Lucas remains adamant that Dean is up to something. And sure enough, the guy in question is in the Diner on a phone call – Dean is agitated as he tells the person on the other end that he cares about Matilda and doesn’t want her getting caught in the crossfire. What secret is Dean hiding?

Back at the station, Jack gathers up his things and gets ready to head home. He mentions he will investigate any grudges Dean may have against Drew. Suddenly, Jack realises what time it is and his heart sinks – he’s missed dinner again… He tentatively arrives home and as expected, Martha is far from impressed. Martha doesn’t want to hear his excuses and it’s clear he’s well and truly in the dog house! Things are still frosty the next morning and Jack knows he has to work hard to make things up to Martha. Jack becomes defensive as Martha accuses Jack of caring more about his career than their marriage. Martha storms off, leaving Jack stunned – his relationship is in more trouble than he thought!

Belle is pleasantly surprised to discover Drew is already out of hospital. She opens the door and lets him in but Drew is instantly awkward when he spots Amanda in a sexy robe. Oblivious to Drew’s wandering eyes, Amanda fusses over him, making him breakfast and insisting he rest. All the while, Drew is finding it very hard to keep his mind on track. Despite Amanda’s protests, Drew gets stuck into her gardening. Amanda later spots Drew working up a sweat with his shirt off and moves over to comment on his physique. It’s all innocent from Amanda’s point of view but Drew becomes completely flustered. Suddenly, he becomes dizzy and stumbles off the ladder. Amanda assists him to sit down, but again, when she touches Drew, he pulls away. Amanda wants to know if something is wrong. After much persuasion, Drew decides to bite the bullet and admits he can’t get her out of his mind – he’s completely attracted to her. Amanda is absolutely stunned!

Dean has undergone questioning with the police over Drew’s attack but his alibi checks out and he is free to go, much to Lucas’s disappointment. Lucas confronts Dean again but Matilda rips into Lucas, insisting he is a complete idiot. Dean has had enough and storms off, leaving Matilda absolutely fuming. Dean storms up to the cliff top to meet Gareth, closely followed by Lucas, who is careful not to be seen. His curiosity is instantly piqued as he watches a heated argument erupt between the two guys. Lucas is certain he is about to discover the truth but nothing prepares him for the sight of Gareth and Dean leaning in for a kiss. Lucas can’t believe his eyes – Dean’s secret is he’s gay?!