Episode 4273

Australian Air Date: 13th September 2006
UK Air Date: 10th January 2007
Writer: Sarah Walker
Director: Geoff Bennett
Cat No: HAW5-403

Amanda struggles to ignore her feelings for Drew, Lucas cannot believe Matilda is falling for Dean’s lies, while Emily’s health takes a turn for the worst.

Extended Summary

Lucas arrives home, still stunned after seeing Gareth and Dean, he knocks on Mattie’s door – she’s still annoyed following their earlier confrontation and he knows he must tread very carefully so he declares he’s got something really important to tell her. Matilda guesses it has to do with Dean again and immediately goes into shutdown mode. Lucas is just about to spill the beans when Dean arrives and plants a big kiss on Matilda. Lucas is completely at a loss – the nerve of this guy is unbelievable! Matilda moves off to the bathroom and Lucas launches into attack. Dean is completely thrown when Lucas reveals he saw him kissing another guy. Dean tries to cover by suggesting Gareth has a crush on him and won’t leave him alone. Dean reiterates he isn’t gay and questions why Lucas would want to hurt Matilda by telling her a stack of lies. Dean leaves and Lucas makes the decision to bite the bullet. Matilda is utterly shocked when Lucas reaccounts what he saw and suggests that Dean is gay. Matilda is confused as to what to believe but is willing to give Dean the benefit of the doubt. Matilda later confronts Dean and just as he is about to launch into the same story he gave Lucas, Constable Fitzgerald arrives and says she needs to have a word with him.

Down at the Station, Fitzgerald reveals a photo of Dean from the Missing Persons file. She encourages Dean to contact his family but Dean is adamant his family don’t care. It becomes clear, that Dean’s problems are not what he’d have everyone believe. Matilda is waiting when Dean comes out of the interview room. He is quick to insist there is nothing wrong but Matilda is curious – why would Dean have dealings with the police? It’s not long before Dean convinces Matilda that Lucas completely misconstrued what he saw. Lucas arrives home and discovers the couple canoodling on the lounge and it is clear Matilda has fallen for Dean’s lies – hook, line and sinker. Lucas is absolutely furious!

Amanda is still overcoming her shock from Drew’s revelation that he is attracted to her. Amanda insists it’s all just in his mind and it’s crazy he feels this way. Especially since he’s with Belle. When Drew begins to question if Amanda feels the same way, she becomes increasingly flustered and insists these thoughts must end now! The moment is interrupted by a knock at the door. A frantic Dan is on the search for Drew and is relieved to find him safe and sound. Dan insists he’s been looking everywhere for him, convinced something had happened to him again. Drew moves off with Dan, leaving Amanda to get herself a stiff drink. Belle arrives home with some art supplies, ready to paint Drew in the nude. Amanda drops her glass and it smashes on the floor. She is clearly rattled – but why is it getting to her so much?

Drew later returns to the house to pose for Belle’s artwork. Much to his embarrassment, Belle has purchased him a very brief garment made of leafs and twigs and as he is posing for Belle, Amanda passes the door way and spots Drew almost in the nude. She can’t help but stare – what a body! But she drags herself away from the pleasing sight – this is so wrong to be perving on Drew! Drew looks up and spots Amanda checking him out – their eyes lock for a moment and Amanda realises she’s been caught out! Drew later confronts her and Amanda continues to insist what he’s feeling is nothing more than a school boy crush. Amanda is defensive and Drew questions if she’s acting that way because she finds him attractive too. Amanda snaps, warning him not to mention this again. Drew moves off but it’s clear Amanda has feelings too – and it’s freaking her out!

Leah is serving Brad at the diner when Sally invites him to come around for dinner that evening. Sally is doing all she can to offer her support to Brad, who has been to-ing and fro-ing from the hospital visiting Emily. Leah comments on whether Sally is coping – obviously seeing what Emily and Brad is going through is a reminder of what Sally and Flynn had to endure. Sally insists it has actually helped her deal with her own grief. Leah is pleased and moves off. Shortly after, Brad arrives. He’s downbeat because Emily is not well and things are clearly taking their toll on him. Brad doesn’t now how Emily stays so strong and as he talks about her with great affection, he struggles to hold back his tears. Brad feels guilty for dumping this on Sally but as she moves to wrap him in a big hug, his emotions take control and he finally breaks down. Brad slowly begins to calm down. Sally reassures him it’s better to let out his emotion than to keep it bottled up like she did. Brad is so grateful for her support. The moment is broken by the phone ringing. Sally moves to answer it but as she is given the news, her face falls. Brad’s heart sinks – he knows it’s Emily – and the news is not good…