UK Air Date: 11th January 2007
Writer: Faith McKinnon
Director: Geoff Bennett
Cat No: HAW5-404
Brad fulfils Emily’s dying wish, while Cassie and Macca struggle to keep their affair secret. How long can they get away with it?
Extended Summary
Brad and Sally race into the hospital but when they see how despondent Rachel is, they know things are not looking positive. Rachel’s heart breaks as she tells her brother that Emily’s conditioned has worsened and her time is drawing to an end. Brad moves inside the room and Emily’s face breaks out in a smile, both know what is coming but don’t want the mood to become morbid. As Emily begins talking of their honeymoon and children, Brad cottons on to the fact Emily needs to voice her fantasy of the life she knows she will now never have. Brad jokes along but in the doorway, Rachel watches on with tears streaming down her face. Her heart breaks – knowing what could have been for this couple so in love. Emily drifts off to sleep and Sally arrives to offer Brad some support. For some time Sally stays by his side, offering words of comfort and understanding. Unbeknownst to them both, Emily has awoken and sees Sally and Brad. She is comforted by the thought her husband will not be left alone to grieve. Brad moves off, leaving Sally and Emily alone. Emily confides that for the first time in a while she feels no pain. It’s resonance of Flynn’s words and it brings some comfort for Sally thinking of Flynn’s last moments. As Emily now struggles to hold back her tears, she pleas with Sally to take care of Brad. Sally doesn’t hesitate in her answer – of course she will. Emily gives Sally a letter to pass on to Brad to read once she is gone. Brad returns with Emily’s favourite poem. It’s a beautiful moment as Brad reads the poem to his wife but once again Rachel watches on from the distance, struggling to hold it together. She turns to moves away but when she sees Kim approaching, the floodgates opens and she breaks down in Kim’s arms. Meanwhile, back in the room, Brad and Emily are reminiscing of their first date. How memorable it was that they stayed up all night to watch the sunrise and from that moment they were inseparable. Emily suggests they relive the moment. Brad is reluctant at first, but gives in, determined to fulfill her last dying wish.
…And so Emily’s wish comes true as she snuggles close to Brad under a blanket, staring out across the ocean. She’s weak but at peace as she thanks Brad for everything. Brad soothes her as he watches Emily’s eyes close. As the sun begins to rise, he holds her tighter. As a tear streams down his cheek…he knows that his Emily is gone forever…
Alf and Cassie are at home when Macca arrives. Suddenly, the mood becomes awkward and Alf moves off to tend to baby Pippa. Cassie feels reluctant to go to Martha and Jack’s dinner party tonight because things will be so tense with both being in the same room and trying to keep their secret safe. Macca steals a kiss but Cassie pulls away, concerned Alf could bust them at any moment. Macca heads off, leaving Cassie increasingly worried that this whole situation is getting out of hand! Macca bumps into Martha down at the Diner. She can smell perfume on him and jokes about his hot new woman. Macca tenses, not knowing what to say but decides to join in the banter. Macca insists this woman is just perfect for him! Martha is happy for him and adds she is glad he didn’t come back to the Bay to stir trouble for Cassie – after all she is happy with Ric and things are just the way they should be. Colleen is eavesdropping and is intrigued by the new juicy gossip. But once Macca is alone, his face falls, knowing that’s he’s just dug his hole deeper. Meanwhile, Cassie is getting ready for the party and Alf makes a light comment about her overdoing the perfume. Cassie is dismissive and heads off before she becomes too flustered. As she moves off, Alf is becoming increasingly more suspicious…
Jack makes the last finishing touches to the dinner. He is really putting in the effort to make amends with Martha. Tasha, Robbie have arrived and the last to arrive are Macca and Cassie they seem to arrive together. Jack clocks the strange interaction and wonders if there’s more there than meets the eye. The dinner party continues but things turn difficult when conversation is steered to the topic of Macca’s new girlfriend. Macca is left no option but to describe this dream girl and although it goes unnoticed by the others, a troubled Jack is only too aware of who Macca is talking about! It’s getting late and Macca hangs around to help Jack clean up. Jack bites the bullet and admits he knows Macca and Cassie are together. Jack insists Martha will be livid when she finds out. Macca cuts in, insisting nobody has to know. Jack realises what Macca’s asking of him – will he tell Martha the truth?
Colleen pops round to visit Alf and comments on Macca’s new girlfriend – they could smell the perfume on him a mile away! Colleen is oblivious to the significance of what she’s just said but Alf’s expression darkens – his suspicions are increasing by the minute!