UK Air Date: 16th January 2007
Writer: Christopher Gist
Director: Mark Piper
Cat No: HAW5-407
A desperate battle is waged to find Drew in the wake of the abduction. Kim and Rachel’s relationship continues to deteriorate. Is it really over?
Extended Summary
Amanda guiltily pulls away from Drew – they can’t do this! She gathers her things and runs off, totally shocked by what she’s done. She races into the house and comes face to face with Belle – what’s wrong?! Amanda races upstairs without answering, leaving a curious Belle – what’s going on? The next morning, Drew walks along the beach, frustrated, when Belle appears, commenting that everyone is acting weird. She tells Drew about Amanda last night, getting drunk and sleeping on the couch. Drew takes this in, feeling guilty and lets Belle know he can’t hang out – he has stuff to do. Belle is left increasingly perturbed – what is with everyone?! Drew heads to Amanda’s – he’s the last person she wants to see – but he can’t get her out of his head, at the door – Amanda stumbles over to find Drew – she tells him to go, but he forces his way in. Amanda tells him it was a mistake and firmly orders him out! Macca later arrives to thank Amanda for helping him and Cassie spend time together – can they use her pool today? Amanda snaps and lectures Macca on what he and Cass are doing to Ric – it’s horrible! Her own guilt driving her – but Macca pulls her up and gets her to admit what’s wrong. Amanda: I think I’m attracted to Drew Curtis. Macca is stunned! Amanda opens up about her feelings for Drew – she hates herself for it, but can’t help how she feels. Macca wonders if Drew is worth losing Belle over? His words hit hard – she knows she has to stop and thanks Macca for his words. Nothing is going to happen with Drew.
Rachel and Kim are separately venting their frustrations to Leah and Dan, who both do their best to calm their friends down. Leah and Dan suggest that Kim and Rachel sit together and have a rational conversation – they’ve been through tough times already, they can handle this. The two soon meet up, both expressing their love for one another, but Rachel admits that the thought of a life without children is unbearable. Kim regrets having not discussed this sooner – so where to from here? Rachel sadly thinks that it’s good this came up before the wedding. So, it’s over? Rachel doesn’t want that, but can’t see any other way. The next morning, Kim comes out to see Rachel packing her things. She asks Kim what he wants to do with the engagement ring? He sadly tells her to keep it. Kim can’t take it, he heads off to work. Kim fills Tony in, telling him he felt sick watching Rachel pack her things. Tony reckons that doesn’t sound like a bloke who’s ready to give up on the most incredible relationship he’s ever had – you’ll find a middle ground if you both want to. Meanwhile, Rachel packs the last of her things, as she’s about to head for the door, Kim appears – he wants to talk. He wants to stay with her – he can fast track everything he wants to do if they can wait five years – half way? They’re meant to be together – they have to make it work. Rachel admires him for meeting her half way and apologises for being so pig headed with him. They share a smile and a passionate embrace. Our loving couple are back on track.
Belle finds Drew sitting near the rocks, deep in thought. She asks if he’s avoiding her? He denies it – but she knows something’s wrong – is it he cop stuff? Has he been threatened again? Drew says no. Then Belle asks if he’s seeing someone else? He gets immediately defensive, denying it – saying he just needs some space. He pulls her into a hug, feeling awful for lying to her like this… In the distance is a car, unseen by Drew and Belle, with a dark figure watching on… Later as Drew and Belle walk along the road, the car continues to follow and Drew clocks it – he’s sure it’s following them. He gets fired up and races towards it, yelling out asking who they are and what do they want?! The tires screech and the car speeds away! The pair race to Leah’s, telling her and Dan what happened – Dan calls the cops as Leah tries to calm them down. The cops can’t do much – but they’ll take a drive around, meanwhile it’s decided that Drew can’t go anywhere alone from now on – it’s for the best. Later that evening, Drew receives a text from Amanda – she wants him to meet her at the lookout. Excited, Drew heads out. Amanda is already waiting when Drew arrives – she’s not happy and lets him know that she’s attracted to him, but she can’t do this because of Belle. Drew is devastated as Amanda walks away, then suddenly the car that’s been following him pulls up and Drew is pulled into the car by a couple of thugs! Amanda tries to run back to help him, but it’s too late as the car speeds away with Drew inside! Amanda is stunned!