UK Air Date: 17th January 2007
Writer: Jason Herbison
Director: Mark Piper
Cat No: HAW5-408
Martha and Jack’s marriage woes continue. Meanwhile, Dean goes to desperate lengths to keep his secret from being revealed.
Extended Summary
Panicked, Amanda tries to call for help – but there’s no mobile reception. Finally she gets reception and calls Dan – his face falls as she delivers the horrifying news that Drew has been abducted! She meets up with Dan, Leah and Belle – who wonders why she was meeting with Drew at the look out anyway? Amanda is saved by Jack and Fitzgerald entering, wanting to know exactly what happened. Amanda explains the events – it was the same car Belle had seen earlier that day with Drew. Jack organizes car squads to head out etc – they’ll find him. Meanwhile, Drew’s lifeless looking body lays slumped amongst some scrub – is he dead?! Slowly he begins to stir – unsure of where he is, then suddenly he remembers, the memories flooding back & panicking him. He begins to move through the bush, praying his captors don’t find him… Dan and the others continue to panic about Drew – Dan can’t take it any longer and heads out to look for him as Drew continues to trudge through the bush, breathless but full of adrenaline. He hears his name – it’s Jack calling out, but Drew is too scared to stop and fights him off. Jack finally settles him – everything’s okay. Drew eventually calms – his horror over. Dan, Leah, Belle and Amanda race to the Station to see Drew – he insists he’s fine, looking to Amanda who avoids eye contact. All Drew can remember was struggling in the car, then waking up in the bush. Jack explains that they’re looking for the car, but thinks that the most likely explanation is that is somehow tied to one of Peter’s old cases – someone wanting revenge against him. He tells Drew to be extra vigilant and he’ll organise for police to watch the house.
Amanda invites Drew to her place as Dan and Leah have to get back to work and they don’t want him home alone. Drew is surprised at the offer seeing as Amanda insisted they stay out of each others way, but agrees to go with her and Belle. At the house, Belle waits on Drew hand and foot and when left alone, he expresses to Amanda that she was all he thought about when he was in trouble today. Amanda admits that she feels for him to, but hates herself for it, yet can’t deny it anymore. Drew asks what they’re going to do about it? Before Amanda can respond, Belle returns, oblivious to it all. She heads out a while later, giving the pair a chance to finish their ‘chat’. Amanda suggests they give it a few days to get their heads together. Drew places his hand on hers – a moment of eye contact, before Amanda moves off leaving Drew with a look of longing…
After a long day at the Station trying to unravel the pyro case, Jack decides to head to the surf club for a drink with Fitzgerald and a few others. Meanwhile, Martha eats with Sally and Alf at the Diner, thinking Jack is working back late. Alf asks Martha how she’s feeling about it all? Martha’s okay with it – she understands that he has a big case that needs to be solved. She says her goodbyes and heads out, moving into the Surf Club and towards the bar. Martha is immediately taken aback to see Jack there drinking with his work mates – she’s not impressed…
Beth watches Matilda and Dean as they hang out enjoying each others company, but the mood quickly changes when Lucas arrives home. Dean quietly suggests he should go, but Mattie insists that Lucas is the one with the problem, thinking Dean is gay. Beth asks Lucas why he’s being so weird around Mattie and Dean, it’s more than jealousy. Lucas keeps his thoughts to himself and moves off… Mattie asks Beth if she and Dean can have dinner together at the house while she and Tony are out – Beth agrees as Dean returns and Lucas walks back in, making it very clear he isn’t a fan of Dean. After Matilda and Dean leave, Beth tells Lucas to pull his head in and to stop being so jealous. He insists he isn’t, he’s worried about Mattie getting hurt, revealing to Beth that Dean is gay! He explains the reasons why he thinks this is the case. Beth isn’t sure what to think as Matilda returns and realizes Lucas has told her Mum. She rips into him for causing trouble and insists that the ‘truth’ is that Lucas is being vindictive and horrible, then storms out. At the Diner, Dean is collecting a cake to take to Matilda’s for dessert, when Beth comes in. She gently raises the issue about the argument between Lucas and Mattie and Dean is quick to assure Beth he cares about Matilda very much and that he isn’t gay. Beth accepts this and moves off, leaving a rattled Dean – people are getting closer to discovering his secret…
He returns to the house for dinner, which Mattie has romantically set up, but the mood is far from it as Dean vents to her about the trouble Lucas is causing by spreading these lies. He’s really worked up as Mattie does her best to calm him. He keeps pleading that he isn’t gay, getting increasingly agitated, until he starts kissing her, in a bid to prove his heterosexuality…before becoming physical. Matilda tries to fight him off, Dean realises what he was doing stops, then runs off Mattie chases after him eventually they both stop and as they look at each other Dean knows that he has something that he has to admit.