Episode 4279

Australian Air Date: 21st September 2006
UK Air Date: 18th January 2007
Writer: Margaret Wilson
Director: Mark Piper
Cat No: HAW5-409

Matilda is rocked when the truth about Dean is finally exposed. Martha makes a drastic decision in an attempt to save her marriage. Robbie prepares for a life behind bars.

Extended Summary

Dean has stomped down to the beach, hating himself for what he’s done. Matilda approaches him. He apologises for what he did – he didn’t mean to hurt her. Matilda finally speaks, asking why his father really kicked him out. She asks if Gareth is really some guy who has a crush on him, or is it more than that? Tears well in Dean’s eyes as he admits that Lucas is right – Dean’s gay. She takes in the news calmly, despite the pain she feels inside… Dean opens up telling Matilda about how he feels about Gareth and his discovery that he’s gay. His dad caught them and things got pretty bad, which is why he started to hit the booze and drugs and getting into trouble with the cops. They ended up sending him to the retreat when he was caught shoplifting, to sort himself out. He tells Matilda that she’s the kind of girl he would want to be with if he wasn’t gay – he thought he could convince himself otherwise, but he can’t and he wouldn’t blame her if she hated him. He hates himself too. He starts to get really worked up about how awful he has been before getting to his feet and rushing off.

Beth gets home to see the dinner still on the table, untouched and wonders where Mattie and Dean are? Lucas doesn’t know. They are interrupted by Matilda arriving, looking zombie like as she slumps on the couch. Beth asks where Dean is, when Mattie breaks down in tears. Lucas watches on as Matilda fills Beth in on what happened, about how angry she is at being used. Beth does her best to comfort her daughter, saying Dean had them all fooled, when Lucas reminds them that he tried to warn her. Mattie takes this as an ‘I told you so’ and stomps off to her room, upset, leaving Lucas feeling awful. Matilda heads to the beach and sees Dean – he apologises again for everything and she lets him know she doesn’t hate him and encourages him to talk to Gareth – he can’t ignore his heart. Mattie watches on as Dean and Gareth talk, when Cassie approaches. Matilda explains what’s happened – Cassie can’t believe how well she’s handling it. Later that day, Lucas finds Matilda and apologises for his behaviour earlier, he was just worried about her. Matilda understands, their friendship back on track.

Meanwhile, a fuming Martha is waiting for Jack to get home. He finally strolls in, unaware how upset Martha is. He finished work a couple of hours ago and had some beers with his work mates – Martha knows – she saw them there and isn’t impressed that he didn’t call to let her know. Jack is confused – why is she angry? Martha can’t believe he doesn’t get it and explains that the reason she’s angry is that he’s still behaving as though he’s single. This is meant to be a marriage and Martha feels like Jack isn’t a part of it. Martha vents to Alf, who points out that blokes aren’t too perceptive – either way Martha hopes he gets his act together soon – she isn’t going to hang around waiting… Jack talks to Lucas about it all – it’s clear he still doesn’t get why Martha is angry – it’s not about him having a social life, it’s the fact he didn’t think to call to let her know where he was at. Martha busies herself preparing the lunch for Tasha and Robbie. Jack tries to talk to her – but she’s not up for it now – they have guests coming.

The tensions are broken by the arrival of Tasha, Robbie and Baby Ella. Jack & Martha try to hide their tension throughout the meal as Robbie & Tasha announce they have a special request – they’d like Martha & Jack to be Ella’s godparents! They are thrilled, but their reaction is a little forced, given their troubles. They insist they would love to, but Tasha has clocked that something isn’t right here… She gives Martha a hand with the dishes and asks what’s going on? Martha insists that all is good – seeing Martha doesn’t want to go there, Tasha leaves it, thanks her for the lovely lunch and heads off with Robbie & Ella. Martha immediately turns on Jack for how tense things were during lunch – Jack calls her an ice queen & all deteriorates quickly into a huge argument. Jack tells Martha if he’s such a bad husband, then she can have the house to herself! He storms out on the fuming Martha. Later, when he returns, Martha is packing a bag – she needs space. He tries to stop her, but she keeps walking. Is this the end of Jack & Martha’s marriage?

Tasha & Charity have organized Ella’s christening and talk excitedly about the future as the glum Robbie watches on, knowing full well he might not be a part of it.