Episode 4299

Australian Air Date: 19th October 2006
UK Air Date: 15th February 2007
Writer: Lisa Williams
Director: Geoff Bennett
Cat No: HAW5-429

Amanda is on a rapid downward spiral. Peter is stunned to learn about Drew’s relationship with Amanda. Rocco is paid an unwanted visit by his past.

Extended Summary

Drew and Peter catch up over a pizza as they have the house to themselves for the night. Peter is still reluctant to discuss his time away and turns the conversation to Drew’s love life. Drew explains that he was seeing Belle for a while, but it didn’t really work out. Peter still can’t believe she’s Amanda’s daughter! The mention of Amanda’s name makes Drew instantly tense, but he doesn’t tell his dad what’s going on. Distracted, Drew sends a text message to Amanda ‘call me we need 2 talk’… Meanwhile, Amanda is in a drunken haze on her couch and doesn’t register the message coming through. She’s already polished off her first bottle of wine and is making quick progress on the second, when Macca arrives home and is alarmed to see the state she’s in. He asks if this has anything to do with Belle’s public shaming of her today and advises that getting trashed won’t make anything better. But Amanda disagrees as she continues to drown her sorrows, leaving Macca to watch on, concerned. Meanwhile, Drew and Peter are now playing a game of cards as Leah arrives home, happy to see them getting along so well. Peter can’t take the smile off his face and is happy to finally have another chance to get to know his son properly.

Peter can’t believe how well things are going between them so far – it’s been great. Back at Amanda’s, she is now dancing around the living room totally smashed. Macca is woken when she runs into the coffee table, sending wine bottles crashing. He turns off the music and demands she go to bed. Amanda tries to protest and soon dissolves into tears asking Macca if he hates her too like everyone else. Macca sits her down on the couch as she’s about to fall and tells her he doesn’t hate her. Amanda realizes he’s her only friend and loves him for being so supportive. Before Macca knows it, she pulls him to her and starts kissing him! Macca pulls away and Amanda quickly sobers, apologizing profusely. She then berates herself for never being capable of doing the right thing – she can’t blame anyone for hating her because she hates herself too – then stumbles upstairs… The next day Amanda finds the text Drew sent the night before and decides that she should see him. Macca thinks it’s a crazy idea – if she thinks Belle hates her now, she’ll hate her even more if she goes back to Drew. Against Macca’s advice, Amanda goes to Drew, who is shocked to see her. He makes it clear how he feels and just as they are about to move in to kiss each other, Peter walks in! He tells Amanda to get out, before demanding answers from Drew. He tries to explain, but Peter tells him in no uncertain terms to stay away from her. Peter tells Drew of his own time with Amanda, but it doesn’t make any difference to him – Drew loves her. Peter goes to Amanda’s and rips her apart – how could she do this?! He tells her to stay away from his son. Macca can’t believe she went over there – what was she thinking? Amanda knows she screwed up – she believes she is simply not capable of doing the right thing, so she’s not going to bother fighting it anymore – this leaves Macca more concerned than ever for his friend.

Brad finds Sally at the Diner and lets her know that he’s going to make effort to help out Rocco. Sally is pleased to hear it and Alf is too. Sally sees Brad encouraging Rocco at school the next day – things are really looking up. Rocco later reveals to Cassie that he’s staying in a hostel – Sally overhears and feels for the kid. She asks Alf and Ric if they would mind Rocco staying a while. Alf is initially hesitant, but Sal talks him around. Rocco is stoked when Sally invites him to stay – he wonders why she’s being so nice to him? She lets him know that she can see the effort he’s making and thinks it deserves to be rewarded. That evening Sally and Brad share a drink at the bar – both relieved that the tension between them has dissipated. Brad is surprised to hear that Sal has offered for Rocco to move in to her place – but Sally is confident that everything is going to work out. Meanwhile, Rocco is given a shock as he walks home by a shadowy figure – ‘long time no see’ – it’s Johnny, Rocco’s older brother. All of a sudden it seems that Sally’s belief that everything’s going to work out may not be so true after all…