Episode 4308

Australian Air Date: 1st November 2006
UK Air Date: 28th February 2007
Writer: Phil Lloyd, Katrina Foster
Director: Steve Mann
Cat No: HAW5-438

Pained by what they’ll never have – Kim and Rachel name Lee’s abandoned baby. Lucas and Belle share their first kiss! Determined to be with Matilda, Ric tries his hardest to prove himself to Beth.

Extended Summary

Belle and Lucas feed Lee’s baby, desperate to know where she is and that’s she’s okay. Lucas is worried that the police will find and arrest her for shoplifting, so he and Belle decide to track her down. They leave the baby in Rachel’s care. She takes him in her arms, at one with her maternal instincts. Meanwhile, Belle gets onto the computer – if she’s living at Dane’s place they can track down his address. No luck. Then Belle decides to call Lee’s mobile company and pretend she’s her to get details. Back at the hospital, Rachel is staring wistfully at the baby when Kim takes in the scene. She fills Kim in on Lee leaving him behind – he can’t believe it and is further shocked when Rachel explains the danger Lee is in. Belle and Lucas are successful getting Lee’s details when they pretend to be her to the phone company – details in hand they run out the down to find her. Will they be too late? Kim watches Rachel fondly as she cuddles the baby – realising how sad this is – she’d make such a great mum – the moment is interrupted by Lucas and Belle racing in with the details. Kim offers to drive them to Dane’s, hoping they’ll catch Lee as she’s packing before heading north. They leave Rachel, concerned, holding the baby.

Kim, Lucas and Belle arrive at a derelict house – but there’s no sign of them, or their stuff. Lucas wants to drive north – they can’t be far off and he doesn’t want the police to find and arrest her – but Kim knows it’s time to call the police for help. Belle comforts the distressed Lucas as Kim dials. As they leave the house, Belle sees blood in the grass and dirt – Lee’s predicament is now looking a whole lot more serious. Back at the hospital, Rachel explains that the police are doing everything they can to find Lee and in the meantime the baby will be taken care of in the nursery, then temporary foster care will be organised until something more permanent can be arranged. Lucas is furious – he can’t believe that loser boyfriend of Lee’s! He’s feeling really low, but thanks Rachel for everything as Belle takes his hand and leads him home. Kim moves to do the same for Rachel – the pair stop in the doorway of Lee’s room to look at the baby. They decide they can’t keep calling him ‘little guy’ or ‘tiger’ forever and settle on ‘Joe’, which brings a smile to their faces. At the Hunter House, Belle continues to support the flat and weary Lucas – she really admires what a great friend he’s been to Lee through all of this. Suddenly their eyes meet and they look more serious and intense, before Lucas moves in and tenderly kisses Belle and she most certainly kisses him back!

Matilda and Ric enter the Surf Club, basking in their newfound relationship with a kiss. Beth is watching on, far from impressed from behind the bar – but Matilda refuses to be apologetic, holding Ric’s hand. She asks Beth to apologise to Ric for accusing him of something he didn’t do the other day – Beth is mortified! Ric wants this to end, but Beth gives an apology to him for jumping to conclusions – still annoyed with Mattie for her attitude. Ric wants to move off – but Matilda orders two juices from Beth, shoots her an ‘up yours’ look and takes a seat. Beth is disappointed and angry with her – how long is this going to go on for? Matilda is overly affectionate with Ric in front of Beth, who delivers their juices and tells Mattie off for her attitude. She retaliates, dragging Ric up and telling Beth she won’t be home till late as she is going to a party with Ric at the Surf Club tonight. Beth reminds her that she’s underage, so that won’t be happening. Matilda lets Beth know that she’s going and she won’t be stopped, then stomps off to the exit with Ric following close behind, leaving a seething Beth. Ric pleads with Mattie to chill out – this is making the whole thing so much worse and it’s horrible seeing the two of them fighting. He suggests she sit down with her mum and talk about how she feels, calmly. Mattie thinks Beth’s the one who should be grovelling to her – before moving off to get ready, not giving Ric the chance to respond. He turns back to the club, an idea forming.

Meanwhile, Beth is bemoaning the situation to Tony – her problem is that Ric is two years older and at a different stage in life to Matilda – she doesn’t want her daughter rushing into things before she’s ready. Tony suggests giving them some space – otherwise it’s just going to get more difficult. Ric has a chat with Beth, explaining how he cares for Matilda – that there’s a connection there that’s always existed, but now the time has come for them to be together. He asks Beth’s permission to take her to the party to prove things can work – he will continue to see her anyway, but would prefer Beth’s okay on it. Beth agrees – have her home by ten – and thanks Ric for being so honest. At the party, things get out of hand when one of Ric’s mates decides to spike his drinks. They go straight to his head, then his mate tells him he’s been drinking double shots all night! The mate keeps hassling Ric, which makes him even angrier – he snaps and shoves him hard – he returns to get Ric, but then Mattie pulls him out of the way and she gets hit on the side of the face and blood appears. Ric’s heart sinks – so much for nothing going wrong tonight!