UK Air Date: 2nd March 2007
Writer: Sarah Walker
Director: Steve Mann
Cat No: HAW5-440
Jack’s friendship with Sam grows as she opens up to him about her life. Martha is falling for Ash – but Alf doesn’t like what he finds out about his past. Peter and Amanda are shocked when old feelings resurface.
Extended Summary
Peter and Amanda continue to talk out the idea of him going cold turkey from his prescription meds addiction at her place. Amanda reminds him that he’d be doing this for Drew as well – so he can have his dad back and Amanda wants to help him, because in a way it enables her to make things up to Drew after everything that’s happened. Hearing this, Peter agrees – and leaves to get his stuff. He lets Dan and Leah know that he’s going on a fishing trip for a few days as a cover – they’re pleased, thinking he’s getting back out into the world again. Dan mentions that Drew is still stewing angrily over Amanda, which makes Peter feel even more guilty about where he’s going to get help from… Meanwhile Irene catches Drew smiling at his handiwork graffiti on Amanda’s car “Call 1800-SKANK” and busts him – uh oh. As Peter is about to leave with his bag full of clothes, Irene appears with Drew and tells them of his efforts on Amanda’s car. Peter lets Drew know it was a childish thing to do – regardless of what’s gone on. Drew can’t believe his own Dad is standing up for that witch! And storms off to his room. Peter knows by going to Amanda’s that he’s taking this situation into very dangerous territory. He arrives at Amanda’s with mixed feelings – but the two chat openly, both sincere – and Peter remarks that she is taking responsibility to try and make amends and that’s to be admired. Later that night, Peter is starting to sweat, deeply anxious and pacing. Amanda tells him to keep talking, to distract him and suggests he ask her whatever he likes and she’ll chat away to help. Peter goes straight to the source – how did she end up with Drew? Amanda opens up and tells Peter of an accident she had a few years after she had Belle, where she seriously injured her sister, Kelli and she walked away unharmed. Ever since then she’s never been able to feel true love – always blaming herself for what happened and not allowing herself to experience it. He holds Amanda, trying to comfort her as she admits that all she wants is to feel love. Their eyes meet and lock for a moment – the tension is there and they both know it. Peter breaks it – he needs to sleep. What just happened there?!?
Tony takes a bag of Jack’s things to his hospital room – he’s got swimming training at the rehab pool today with Sam. Tony comments that he’s proud to see how well Jack’s dealing with it all and that he gets along so well with Sam. She arrives with the wheelchair and takes Jack to the pool. He’s nervous, but she helps him relax cracking jokes. She’s got a way with him. Sam gets Jack into the pool, holding the edge – he can’t believe he’s in this situation – he used to be such a strong swimmer. Sam reassures him that he’ll get back to that. If her ten year old can learn how to swim, so can Jack. He is curious – didn’t know she had a son? She gushes about him, but closes off when Jack asks about her husband – taking him by surprise. He’s hit a raw nerve, but what? He apologises if he upset her, but she brushes it off. Sam later visits him in hospital and apologises for her reaction today – she explains that she used to have a family but doesn’t anymore and tells him of her daughter who died when she was only two of a rare disorder. Sam then opens up about her ex who was caught embezzling money from his company and jailed, when she discovered she was pregnant with Rory, now ten. She fights back the tears as Jack reaches out to comfort her. A firm friendship is clearly building between these two.
Martha teases Alf about having to be Santa in the pageant – he’s not impressed – when Martha sees a bunch of flowers, with a card inviting her out on a date. She’s intrigued with his creative approach and Alf can see she’s falling for this guy. Martha looks stunning, ready for her date. She tells Alf how good he is for her – he’s uncomplicated and lightens things up. Alf just wants to make sure that he treats his granddaughter right. Ash then turns up in jacket, shirt and bow tie with board shorts. His dilemma was that he didn’t know what would impress Martha, so he wore both. His goofy risk paid off – it’s all smiles from Martha. He leads her down to the beach and before her is a silver service style picnic – with a twist – it’s fish and chips under the cover. Martha is blown away – this is fantastic. He proposes a deeply charming toast to Martha, she smiles into his eyes as they cheers and drink. They open up about themselves – Ash telling her that family is very important to him – things get a bit serious, so he lightens it again with a stupid party trick, which has Martha laughing.
Walking along in the distance, Tony sees them together and takes this in with interest and concern. What troubles him about Ash? Tony lets Alf know that Ash has a history of bolting when things get tough, then having to bail him out. Alf is concerned to hear this – but Tony also says that was years ago and he thinks he may have grown up a bit. This doesn’t reassure Alf.
Meanwhile, Ash drops Martha at home after their fantastic date and before they know it – their lips crush together in a heated, passionate kiss! They are on the couch in a heated kissing session and with difficulty break away – just as Alf enters. He’s a bit awkward seeing them together now after his chat with Tony. Ash leaves and Alf casually raises his concerns with Martha. She dismisses it immediately – there’s nothing to worry about…